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Lol. You had me crackin' up during this reaction. Your reaction to Nick and Boston was funny; you couldn't even believe what you were saying🤣. Boeing is ridiculous and all I could think of was when I warned you and you said you didn't know how another character could be worse than Boston and this episode showed how. You can see Ray's facial expressions during this entire interaction between the three of them. I can't wait for the next episode so you can see how this all turns out. Also, yeah, I would've socked my brother in the chest or gut punched him after finding out he lied about something that big. "I was mad because he dumped me..." What?! Ya'll were never together! Lol. Anyway, I dislike him the most out of all the characters and he was barely on screen.


Yeah I actually can’t believe the 180 Boston and Nick have taken with me lmao. And yeah, Atom is the worst on this show thus far which is CRAZY


As always love Sand and I really started loving Ray too at this episode. He’s always chaotic and a mess but like less of one 😂 I was glad they gave evolution of character for Boston, but he isn’t close to being off my shit list 😂 Atom and Boeing are absolute trash. Atom is a delulu idiot that is horribly manipulative. Boeing is manipulative and pathetic, either way both suck ass! I really spent a fair amount of the past few episodes wanting Mew to finally accept Top back, but never could find myself upset with Mew’s actions because my boy went through all the things that he had no clue how to deal with, like top was his first everything aside from kiss I think. My favorite is your 180 on Boston and the visible conflict of this change as you talked about it 😂

Walmarys Rivera

Boeing is literally a leech just sucking up wherever he can attach himself 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Can’t wait for you to see the next fuckery that comes 😂 I just love a show that gets the viewer so invested in the characters that we can’t help but get pissed off or frustrated or happy etc like we know them irl. & Atom truly needs some karma to smack him in the face