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Haha yes you have been missing Sangwon's crush on Myungha but it's been pretty severe! You might have been thrown off cause it was a sort of 0-100, immediate obsession kind of thing after he first saw him fighting on the roof but he's been throwing around some petty jelousy and also been trying to get his attention a lot. Also I think Myungha was 29 in his original life while Yeowoon and Sangwon are like 18. The drama kind of works around the age gap with the fact he can't remember full details of his original life and is only getting it in bursts + I feel like the more time he spends in the game world the more he's actually becoming this 19 year old version of Myungha. Totally get what you mean in terms of how stressful this episode ending was, I was like "I would happily just watch these characters be happy and cute!" but they had to bring us some turmoil!


Yeah seriously I need to go back and look at his interactions again lol, cause I really just thought he really really wanted to be his friend but Myungha wasn’t really haven’t it and kept shoving him off, so I assumed they were going to eventually couple him up with Kyunghoon haha…totally misread his actions.

Marina Korab

Myungha's mother left him. He said in previous episodes that she run away and opened a small cafe