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When he hopped into the bed, inside the camper I actually busted out In completee laughter!!! Because he’s actually too much.


the guy who went on a date with Nick is definitely from not me he played kumpha. I was trying to figure it out too 😭


I gotta say, when I first watched Only Friends I was gobsmacked but incredibly happy to have a college drama that ACTUALLY showed college life; exaggerated to some extent, but we FINALLY got out of a class room and a cafeteria for 90% of the show. This is still the closest depiction of hook up culture in Thai dramas that I've seen so far, and the characters are flawed and glorious. I'm looking forward to future content that breaks out of the dorm/campus and office setting.


I totally agree with you. This is one of my favorite shows that we’ve watched because as messy as it is, it feels more true to real life people than most shows. I know people like these crazies in real life lol, so I get this!


Even though Boston pisses me off because of his lack of moral compass when it comes to his friends, what I do respect about him is that he's always honest/straightforward when it comes to who he sleeps with; he doesn't sell dreams. Both the guy at the end and the guy Nick slept with, have been in other BLs so you've definitely seen them before. The guy with Nick was in one of my favs with Sand, Not Me. I won't give any spoilers, but if you thought Boston was bad, this last guy is something else. Lol. Ray and Sand are my favorite and they're my favorite in real life, too, as far as their friendship and chemistry go. I can't wait for the next couple of episodes.


Oh no way haha, I can’t possibly get worse than what Boston was doing lol. But yes I totally agree about Boston. I do appreciate his honestly, but he disgusts me in the way that he just has no care for anyone else feelings. But i can’t fault him for being honest. I just wish better for him, really.


As always you know I adore Sand 😂 One of my favorite things about this show is Sand and Nick’s friendship and them recognizing as a friendship. This was the first episode I supported Top and wanted Mew to forgive him, he has put in the work but I glad Mew took the time he needed to reach a point that he could consider forgiving him. Ray…oh Ray, I honestly never disliked Ray, just felt really sorry for him. When he approached the conflict with Sand by asking him to punch him, I felt like the way conflict was resolved when he was growing up was violence and/or neglect 😭. I also never felt he was never quite as bad as Top as I always got the feeling Mew was using him (but truly loved Top, so Top hurt him wayyyy more) and Ray happened to be fine with it because at his core Ray hates himself. Boston sucks, that’s all 😂 My soapbox is now done, thanks for reading it all 😂😂😂