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i love this show


The negative affection level causes the debuff, so that's why he told him not to follow him


I knew that but I think (if i’m remembering correctly)i was talking about Myung Ha saying that to Yeowoon near the need. He was suddenly so upset at him so then showed up at his competition suddenly. That just threw me off


Since it didnt seem like you quite caught it at the time and said you were confused: when Myungha could see how much Yeowoon liked others, yes he did choose Kyunghoon to bring to dinner because his affection level was the least awful but also it showed Yeowoon views himself at -100. Which is heartbreaking :(


On an unrelated note: the way Myungha sits in chairs is unreasonably amusing to me. It’s like he’s allergic to sitting normally xD


Don’t worry, you’re supposed to be thrown off! It’ll all come together eventually

an ♡

For the rooftop fight, basically the bully on the bus that we saw on EP 1’s brother (fried hair blonde man) heard that his brother apologized to Yeowoon and basically assumed that Myungha hit him because as established, Myungha’s got a reputation for getting into fights. Blonde boy is friends with Sangwon, who is friends with Kyunghoon (Woongki), and that’s why they used Kyunghoon’s phone to basically summon Myungha into the rooftop. That’s the gist of the fight like it’s very petty but they’re high school students so lol.

an ♡

I think a lot of context gets lost because the subs on IQIYI for this show are not great unfortunately. I watched it on GagaOolala first then I noticed the difference in the subs while watching reactions. But Gaga doesn’t allow screen recordings so yeah IQIYI is the only place to watch this for reactions.

an ♡

16:15 “Why do he care so much?” While not being explained fully, I think Sangwon is fascinated that the Mad Dog of their school is protective of Yeowoon and that made him interested in knowing why. It could also just be an Alpha meeting another Alpha type of thing like he can’t believe he found his match.


I agree with you, watched mine on Dramacool and the subs were better than this so it was easy to understand a lot of this