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Hi everyone!! Hope you're all doing well- just want to update you on next week's video topic!

Next week we'll be talking about... *drumroll* Rainfurrest!! This topic has actually already been covered by Internet Historian (as many of you might already know, I mean the video literally has like 15 million views!) so I debated over whether to cover it, but I've made sure to include lots of extra information and discussion about the disasterous event that wasn't covered in his video. Failed conventions are one of my favourite topics to talk about and Rainfurrest was such a disturbing disaster that I couldn't NOT cover it honestly!!

The week after THAT I'm tossing up between covering MordeTwi or doing a retrospective about the nostalgic mmos/virtual worlds of my childhood.

Let me know what you guys think!! Hope you all have a great weekend, and the next video will be out as soon as possible! :D <3


Liz Marie

Hi there! I just became a patron and just want to say that I love your deep dives so so much. I don’t know if you’re open to recommendations, but if you are I would love to see you do a deep dive into the entire Sonic fandom like you did for the warrior cats fandom. I was super super deep into the deviantart Sonic fandom growing up and it would be so interesting to learn about things that maybe I didn’t know about years ago/just see you talk about it because you always do an amazing job. Thank you for what you do!!

Matthew Jethon

Bit late to this post (only just became a patreon), but did you ever play on Coke Music? I used to be pretty obsessed with it when I was younger, but rarely could actually get in because I'm in Australia and it had specific opening hours based in the states. It was kinda' like Habbo Hotel, but you'd get your decibels (credits) from buying coca-cola products & there was a huge emphasis on creating your own music through their weird version of imusic.