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Happy April guys! 😆 it's my favorite month (because it's my birthday tomorrow, duh!) and spring finally feels like it's staying for awhile!

Remember when I asked for your opinion on the April Patreon Pattern? The vote this time around is actually pretty tied up... so I plan to make both plushies so you'll see what it looks like in real life, and then we'll vote again! You'll see the sheep in a pot real soon 👀

Sometimes the picture drawn doesn't come out how you imagine it to be in real life, so this will serve as a final decision for our April Pattern! The pattern that gets the lesser amount of votes will be released next month 🥰

And as always thank you all for being here! I truly appreciate all of you (and I can't believe you all like my patterns 🥳). Don’t hesitate to share other patterns you think would be fun for us all to make! Spring is my season to shine lol





happy late birthday! love your patterns and art