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Hello! So the update has been out for a bit and I wanted to update you guys on my plans.

First off, I wanna welcome all my new patrons that have joined since the update came out! Thank you for putting your trust in my little project and I hope you enjoy your time here.

Second, I've been pretty busy with everything december brings, finals, holidays, spending time with my loved ones and other projects of mine so it's pretty much for sure v0.5 won't be ready until the next year.

What I do wanna do for this year is release an special Christmas mini event as a v0.4.5 kinda thing. It won't be the "next" update more like a bonus to celebrate Christmas with you all.

I hope I can get that ready before the year ends but the last 2 weeks of December I'm gonna be specially busy so I can't make promises.

As for what I plan for v0.5 I want to do the following:

  • Introduce Natsumi, the third main heroine.
  • Hopefully add the first proper H scene for Ayako.
  • Bug and spelling fixes.

I wanna keep my goals small and attainable so that updates can come out faster.

As always thanks for playing and I wish you the best!


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