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Alright so I'm gonna start working on the next update in the next couple of days so I want to lay down my ideas and also hear your opinions.

Looking back on my goals / plans for the past update, I couldn't complete all of the things that I wanted to include. Even if the update itself had a good amount of content.

That content though, took me a lot more time to get done than what I had anticipated, so my conclusion for now is that I gotta set my goals a bit more grounded.

For next update, v0.4, I want to first finish the following goals from last update:

  • Create an image and event gallery. 
  • Polish the code, more specifically the one that manages the backgrounds and character images for the exact hour. Right now it works with a lot of "If" and "elif" and I know damn well there's a better way to do it. Got to study a bit first though. 

Now onto the good stuff:

  • Add more scenes for both Tamako and Ayako.
  • Hopefully introduce the remaining main heroine Natsumi!
  • Bug fixes.

The scenes I wanna add for this update are more "simple" than the whole Ayako's storyline from the past update. Basically add more things you can do when you improve the different stats.

I wanna aim for a release at the first week of November. That is the patron's release.

And that's all for know! Let me know your opinions below.



A simple (yet also requiring more images) command to change how everyone dresses at home would be a way to show your control progress.


I actually have thought about a feature like that and I wanna implement it eventually, maybe I could add it for Tamako relatively soon. It requieres more images but I already have captured underwear pics thinking I would need them eventually haha