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Hello Kings, I hope you all had a good Christmas/Holiday period.

I just wanted to give you a quick rundown on the upcoming v1.5 update.

I have spent most of my time updating the GUI and I've reworked the entire game based around the new layout.

The main screen you work from now is the Adventurer's guild, and Navigation around Mondstadt is now done through the use of a progressively unlocking clickable map. 

I have also replaced all of the Jean regular clothes standing models, and the Hu Tao standing models with HD rendered versions with accurate height and color, more poses, and more dynamic poses too!

The third image I have attached is the updated Peephole/Cathedral Wall area, where you will be able to buy more 'Teyvat Travel Guides' as well as hyper lewd costumes from the 'Modelling Guy'.

There are loads and loads of other changes too, I've updated the transitions, optimized the code, added extra Polaroids to a few past events, reduced the Barbara model's breast size and began replacing her Polaroids, updated the intro with new renders and a tutorial... Be sure to check out the changelog on release day for the full list!

Anyway this is the biggest update the game has ever had, and it will look and play very differently to how it did in v1.4!

I'm going to aim for release on the 10th of January, but it could be a little sooner or a little later than then. Also as a side note, there might not be as much new lewd content in this update, but once I've done all the GUI stuff... I can focus 100% on churning out the lewds!

Thanks again for supporting me in this endeavor. Feel free to hit me up here or on Discord any time!

Big love.

- Mochi




Cheating for $10,000 takes some of the fun out of exploring


It does, and in the final version this option will be removed. For now though it's helpful for people who have played the game a lot of times and wish to skip to the new content. :)