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  • 2.mp4



Hello again, just a quick one this time.

v0.2 is going really well!

I've just finished the first draft of Day 2's structure from start to finish, and I'm currently building and editing some sprites while Mai is working on some of the more complicated coding stuff.

There's still a lot to do, but things are coming together really nicely now. I'm never sure how much or how little to show in these previews, so I've just attached a few random bits for your viewing pleasure. Please don't look if you don't wanna be spoiled!

I'm going away for a week from the 14th of May, but rest assured that as soon as I return I'll be back to working on the game. I'm hoping to be in a position to release v0.2 late this month or early next month, depending on where things are at, but I'll keep you all informed.

Again, thank you all so much. With your support, together we can make something really fucking cool!


PS: All previews are work in progress and may differ from the final release.




I'm getting exited, I'm sure it's not gonna happen, but i wanna see a scene of Nick and Maya just fucking for a lovey-dovey reason.