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Hello everyone, it is devblog time.

It has been a while since I last talked about Fattening Career on here.
I wanted to be sure to have a release date and some new things to show.

So first off, the release date for update 0.09 will be March 23/24.

There have been a few changes to what I originally Intended to be in the update and what is actually coming. So here are a few things that have changed:
- No achievements system yet. This is mostly to have achievements available in the game outside of steam, but this just isn't ready yet.
- Maya will finally get content. More on this later in the devblog.
- A reworked way to go through Daisy classroom scenes.
- Two Sally events.

Let's talk about the reworked way to go through Daisy's classroom scenes.
Currently it feels too repetitive to keep doing her classroom scenes while there is only one other classmate in the game. I believe whenever Caroline and Vicky are implemented this will be a lot better, but even then there should be an option to skip the classroom.
Now you won't be skipping it entirely when you choose this option, instead you'll sleep through the lesson, which almost immediately ends the classroom section if there are no events triggered.

Last update also brought an unintentional meta gaming option to the game where you would feed Daisy twice and then visit Hari to maximize the weight gained on Hari and Daisy together at once. This will no longer be possible, instead you'll be choosing to go to Daisy's class or study with a classmate(just Hari for now) at the start of the day. This streamlines the experience a bit in my opinion.

The Daisy classroom feeding scenes are also slightly altered. You'll know get three options at the start of the Friday. "Add nothing to the pile of food" "Add a small offering" "Add a large offering". The new options will now take away from your own food pile. Visuals have been altered to reflect how much food you donate, and it will also change how much Daisy eats and gains. The large offering will have her eat more then she did before and she'll also get more stuffed.

Because this is basically another money sink, there will be a change to counter balance this. In one of Marie's events you'll finally get a raise, which makes working at Bunny Bites more rewarding.

And lastly, listening to Daisy's teachings are getting some more tweaks in future updates to make it more engaging with some new visuals and guests.

Now lets talk about Maya. Maya has been work-in-progress for a very long time. Her original story and dialogue got completely scrapped somewhere around 0.05 and since then she has been in a limbo. She now finally has a new story written and it is time that she gets some content in the game. It isn't much yet, but we have to start somewhere.

Besides the writing being completely redone, I also realized the old strip club map had some really big issues, rendering it unusable for future scenes and events. So I completely redid the map. The strip club is now called Velvet Shadows, this is where most of Maya's content will be. I attached a few images of the new place.

Now this introduces a few issues, Amber and Katrine have scenes in the old place.
I'll be redoing those scenes at some point to make it line up again, but not in 0.09.

Maya got some new outfits, some new textures and a few changes to smooth out her model. I think she looks a lot better now(especially at larger stages).

And that is all I have to say for now, I'll put some extra time into continuing the Hanna comic soon when the update is going into the testing phase.

I hope you all have a good day,




Maya hype!


No hari? :( ... Or do you mean that Maya and Sally get added to the stuff mentioned in the Last devblog?


Hari will still be in the next update. The things listed are changes to what I originally intended to be in the update.

Jarrett (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-09 16:55:15 Great list and very informative can’t wait for the update
2024-03-09 16:55:15 Great list and very informative can’t wait for the update
2024-03-09 16:55:15 Great list and very informative can’t wait for the update
2024-03-09 16:55:15 Great list and very informative can’t wait for the update
2024-03-09 16:55:15 Great list and very informative can’t wait for the update
2024-03-03 21:22:06 Great list and very informative can’t wait for the update

Great list and very informative can’t wait for the update


Can we see higher stages for everyone ? Especially some like maya that don’t get very big by end stage, I’d love to see maya get to the stage she does in the costume contest!!!