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Hello everyone,

It is time for another devblog. I have been hard at work on the next update of fattening career and I would like to share a few details about what is new.

So first off, there are now three new buttons on the stats screen.
The Story button shows a short bio for the selected character, like the one I shared for Bonnie a while ago. The story button is by default greyed out, and will be unlocked by progressing through the character's stages. Not all characters will have a story added to their page yet in the next update. These stories will get added over time.

The next two buttons are related to the portrait of the selected character.
The left heart button undresses the character in the portrait.
While the new button on the right turns the character around.
Both buttons can be active at the same time, and you are able to cycle through the stages with the buttons active.
The undress button will be locked until the first nude scene of that character.

Then I went ahead and refreshed a few portraits so they look a bit better, I threw in the new portraits of Lisa, Amber and Marie in 4K so you can zoom in on their skin if you want.

Britta now has the same "problem" as Natalie, her breasts won't stop lactating. So she will now also be a possible option to be milked. I have made both an intro to her milking and a repeatable scene. Her milking is a bit different then Natalie's though.

Bunny Bites will see a lot of new content, All three girls will get new events, but there will also be a few customers who want to explore the storeroom with you when there is no one around.

On the 8th of February Fattening Career will be participating in the steam next fest. I'm currently working on a trailer that shows a lot of lewd animations because I have heard that that works on steam. So I'll post that one soon.(It features a few scenes from 0.09)

I also participated in a game collaboration with a few other devs. It is a small minigame that unlocks an image at the end of it. I send in 9 images that haven't been seen before, three for Bonnie, three for Trista and three for Krystal. You can check it out for free here: https://grimagrima.itch.io/lewdqix
I'm sure you will like the Krystal sequence.

And lastly I need some suggestions on the following. I'm trying to figure out what kinds of burp sounds I should implement. Burping sounds aren't really my thing personally so it is a bit hard for me to know what is good and what isn't. Burp sounds will be fully optional with a simple toggle.

Thank you all for the amazing support and have a great day.




The rotate and undress buttons are a game changer! Anything that gives me a direct view of Bonnie's, Trista's, and Hari's rapidly growing derrières is a welcome addition. I hope we can get more scenes showcasing Hari's back profile as well. :)


Where to start? - Perhaps by saying that the new buttons are a great (GREAT!) idea. As is the implementation of unlockable background stories. And I love the hints of what you can experience in the Bunny Bites + the storeroom there. Very much loooking forward to 0.09. About the possible suggestions for the burps (which is something I anticipate very, very much!): I personally like "painful burps" the most - the kind of helpless "oh god I'm so very full, I can barely move or breathe, I fear the next burp might turn into throw-up..." which are intertwined with the kind of "gods, what have I done?!" moaning. As far as I'm concerned I'll always prefer these over extremely loud "I just drank some coke and will now sport some overly loud belches". I hope it's understandable what I mean. (And I'm glad it will be optional as I'm aware that not everyone is into burping (and even less are into the kind of burpring described above). I much appreciate that you include "sub-fetishes" on an optional level. This makes the game enjoyable for more perv ... errr ..people. :D Edit #1: Since the 0.09 trailer is out by now, I'd like to add that you managed to make me anticipating Lisas new content. (Which means a lot as she was my least favourite girl in earlier versions!) And Sally is quite quickly becoming one of my favourite girls. Gods, she's gorgeous! Edit #2: And I want Charlene back! Seriously, she's incredible! :D

Noah Newberry

You know just a future idea something personal I'd like which I think others might like as well could be if you added a super tall girl that towerd over the protagonist especially to see how much of a giant we could make her with weight gain