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I hope you enjoy the new update.

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This update was made in collaboration with:
Eyebeast - Hari and Cayenne Writing
Fantasy1290 - Luna and the test subjects writing
Galactase - Programming
Krodmandoon - QA and moderation

Patch Notes:

- Luna and the test subjects stage 10 and 11 events(two stage 10 events)
- Natalie stage 3 event
- Natalie weekly milking event
- New Cayenne repeatable home event
- Cayenne events up to stage 6
- Hari weight gain stages 1 to 7
- Hari events up to stage 4(many events per stage)
- Bonnie weight gain stage 12
- Many new Daisy lessons
- Music and Sounds added
- Marie gym event
- Trista gym animation
- Many UI improvements
- New event selector feature
- Tons of dialogue changes
- Various other small things



Well done 👍


Was looking forward to this)


need a "description key"?




Will we need to make a new save to play the update?


Thank you for keeping us updated throughout! Excellent work as always!

stefan Dittrich(Xardas102)

nice work. I love this Game. My Favourite is Katrine, she is the Girl of my Dreams.😍😘


Hero! Can’t wait playing it!


Great news! Can't wait to play (and experience FC with sounds for the first time - I'm quite happy about this, as I hoped for this very addition since ~ FC 003 :D ) Very much looking forward to try the new update, thank you for the continuing effort. :)


Cant wait to see more of Hari!


Hari is so awesome!!!!! We need more content of her ASAP


Yipee! Cant wait to check out this new version


The last test subject event was godlike! Sound and voice acting were amazing. Love this update!


None of the animations are working and my events and phases are all out of order for some reason :/ get an error when seeing Kristina at the Cafe too! Let me know if you need more detail than that! Excited to really enjoy the update! Thanks!


Hari hype is unreal. Instant favorite character


Hari is incredible. Can't wait to see more of her. Desperately hope she gets the limelight in the next update because she suuuuuper deserves more content.


Haven't had too much time too play the new version yet but managed to see a couple of the new stuff and wanted to give a very brief first impression. The updated UI is simply great. The fonts are better, the event selector is a gift from heaven, I even suspect you did something with the phonecalls. In all previous version I was quickly annoyed by those popups because you had to wait one or two seconds and had to click several times until eventually the next line of dialogue appeared or the call ended and you could progress to the next stage of the event. But this time it happens quite often that after just one click (and without any delay) the event progresses. That's great. Biggest surprise for me personally has been Hari though .... well, let me say this: I wasn't expecting too much (since it's "just" her start and many of the other girls are way more developed in terms of visuals, dialogues, events and whatnotelse and since I'm not much into extremely shy women). But I stand corrected, she is simply amazing. Which is due to your great visual representation of her, but equally due to the really cute dialogues. She's still WG stage 1 in my game but I'm already sold. :D Speaking of the dialogues: they keep amazing me. Those writers working on FC are top notch as far as I can tell - all of them. Massively enjoying all of the dialogues (once again) so far. The music is surprisingly good, by the way. Especially the main menu theme caught me totally off guard. That bass in that main menu theme has kept me from clicking "start game" for literal minutes. :D There are songs that I suspect being possibly annoyances in the future (after hearing them for the umphteenth time, that is) but for now all of them are not only quite fitting, but really good from a pure "game music" standpoint. Speaking of the main/start screen: that animated picture is a great choice as well. Alright, perhaps more to come as I get more time to play (but I suspect that some other people have given all the detailed feedback by then, just as usual :D). For now: thanks a lot, that first hour of playing was a really great start into 0.08. :)


Android version, when downloaded it Stages the app but never proceeds to install the apk


Well done as every time, thank you...


Hey, I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble installing the game. I'm trying to figure out why this happens, is there any more information that pops up when trying to install the app?


Thank you for the early review. I'm glad you like Hari, the dialogue and the new music. I agree that some background music will probably become quite annoying after hearing it 100+ times. In future updates I will thus allocate multiple songs to a popular location to switch it up a bit. I hope you enjoy the rest of the game!

Rhys Larmour

I want an option to fight Daisy for being a dick to Hari who is clearly uncomfortable


It is not necessarily dickish to try to get people to come out of their shells :)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-24 12:24:34 So have noises been added to all sex scenes. Because Katrines scenes (at least early stage had no SFX
2023-11-23 16:38:24

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-24 12:24:34 Wait re read the dev notes. It’s only in the newer stuff and will be retroactively added. Gotcha.
2023-11-23 16:42:19


From what I have read online it seems that you maybe have to free up some space on your phone. People recommend at least 3x the filesize of the apk file. So ~6GB of free space at least. Can you let me know if that works?


Update is great so far however daisy is stuck at stage 14 for me. will not progress to stage 15 or higher.


how far along are the new daisy lessons?


Really a tremendous update. The deep underground work you have done, with modifications here and there, are really a nice upgrade. On the girls themselves, the additions of events is great, it brings a real added value, instead of just adding only weight gain stages. It gives the characters a depp personnality, with each one having its own specifics. The added animations, the sound, the rework of the interface, there is really a huge amount of work you've done here. Thanks !


Right from the start. On Monday you get to choose a whole lot of new subjects for her to teach you

Robert Bean

Another great update, really enjoyed playing through. Just a couple of little bits im hoping are planned for later versions, in the Katrine stg4 scene she talks about being meaner, and forced past her limits etc. I was hoping there would be somthing along those lines as the game went on. Also Luna whe ln she is talking about giving up and just becoming immobile sounded a great storyline but it ended. Really hope Charlene comes back, like the unwanted weight gain bit, maybe they try to help and it goes wrong? Hoping we get some really epic breast growth that poses some big issues for a couple of them too. Either way cant wait to see what comes next, hope it isnt too long to wait? One last thing, is the next update only going to be in addition to the game now? Or will things be changed earlier in the game so it needs playing from the beginning again?


Great to hear that you enjoyed the update. Some of your ideas will be coming in a future update. There will still be many things that I'll change about the current game which break the saves, so no save compatibility for the next few updates.


Hari is stuck on stage 6 for me, I'm sure there's a way to unlock 7, but I haven't found the right combo.


I got hit by a car the day this came out so I haven't been able to check it out yet. Yes, really. XD


Amazing Update. I just finished maxing everything. I agree with everyone above. All the additions feel great. The possibility of going to study with Hari instead of attend to Daisy's class makes them less repetitive. If in the future we can add Vicky or Caroline to switch between Hari and them it would make the day to day task of going to class very very exciting. The "remember the good times" option to play again past events is a game changing thing. It increase the replayability by a lot without the need to start a new game or having a save on that specific moment. Really great job. Ah! To conclude, Bonnie stage 12 is bonkers, nuts, bananas, out of this world. What a woman. Thank you so much for such an amazing update!!


So, want to say, great update, there are things I adored, Hari is great, genuinely looking forward to more of her, just with more events would happen with her. Marie is my favourite by far so new stuff for her is great, although I really hope there is more to come for her. Things ide like to see in the future, I know the sex scenes are a big favourite for people, but I just wish they were easier to skip, Id rather an alt sex of the pc but I can see how that would be hard so being able to easier skip the sex scenes would be good. all said it was a great part and i was really looking forward to it, its held up and i look forward to more Marie, Hari and Katrine.


Hey, newcomer here I discovered your game for free with 0.7 and now I wanna support because I loved it. 2 questions : - is "inconvenience" gonna be a topic at some point ? Like them getting too fat for basic daily stuff, or even getting immobile at some point ? - please let the breast growth go crazy, I loved Hypnosis game and I think it would be tzrrific if they went as far as it did, or even further, size-wise. Anyway, thats what I would absolutely LOVE, but I already really like the game as is, can't wait to download this update !


Favorite game so far. I would like to see more stuffing and weight gain of Daisy. I think having Daisy play with her belly in class and jiggling it would be awesome. Also the same for Katrina, more belly growth for Luna, and the option to make everyone at the gym weigh themselves and outgrow their clothes.


Alrighty! New update, which means its time for my deep-dive thoughts/ramble (Muffin on WG here). - Hari is best girl. I adore her so much. Amazing work on her design and character. - Quite disappointed to see that Rebecca still only has 2 stages, I don't get why bother adding her tracking RIGHT as she hits her current max event. - Also disappointed to see that the Hospital Experiment girls still... don't do anything. Why can't I feed them extra food at Bunny Bites? Why do THEY of all characters not appear at the gym? - Admittedly Daisy's hedonism cult thing isn't usually my thing, so her lesson plans kinda bore me at times. I DO however appreciate the added option of Hari, not just for being best girl, but because her daily choice is MUCH faster for repeat playthroughs. - Still a sadly short amount of content for Lynn/Leanne, also still deeply disappointed to see Lyn ditching the pink and, in the WORDS OF THE NARRATOR "wearing DRAB clothes". It feels like we're sucking the sexy out of her, by picking the option where she admits the truth and is herself. - Cayenne finally feels like a character. Still not one of my favorites, but she's actually got some solid content now. Not wholly my thing, but great improvements. - The gym is my favorite aspect of the game. Its got plot progression, stat progression/usage, AND randomized events making the characters feel alive. I only wish there were more of those, especially the sexy workout jiggly animations! I also wish there were more events like that at, say, classes, Bunny Bites, or the library. Also, disappointed to see nobody use the pool for their workout of choice yet. Overall though, exceptional feature of this game. The workout animations are chefs kiss lol. - I don't like that it kinda railroads you into a strongfat fetish at times. I really like my fatties out of shape, and so pushing for Bonnie or especially Katrine to put on muscle is offputting. - I really wish there was more variety to jiggle animations. The angles feel railroaded to show "this character has ass" or "this character has belly". - I'm really hoping this especially doesn't get buried, cuz I realize this comment is long and repeats some of my previous concerns and comments but... I think the outfits need some work. Sometimes they don't quite feel like something a non-super model/fetish character would wear, and MUCH MORE strangely, is the physics of them. Why does Bonnie's buckle get bigger as she gets fatter? The physical metal piece itself is bigger as her belly grows, not a tightly bound strap or an increased sized strap. The metal buckle is bigger????


Hey, I'm glad you enjoy the game and thank you for the support. The impact of weight gain on day to day things will certainly be a thing in the game. Breast growth will continue and there is still loads of room for further growth.

Tomas Kraft

This update was great. I've enjojed Hari her shyness is he uniqueness in the rooster of women. What would be great in the future updates for me: some other options of spending money. Maybe take model from stream or from Lyn events and use it in Triangle bar with Maya, also with Amber. Entry fee for gym and triangle. There is could be option for membership gym and library. Also isnt weird to buy books from Library? Maybe it should be a Bookstore/shop. Charisma and Strength should be caped. And reading the books would raise the cap. They are know only multiple points at once, this could be better use for them. I enjoy your game. You are putting lot of effort into it. Updates are huge improvement and adding lot of content.

Alan Contreras

I downloaded the update but how do I add it to the game?


I wish some girls have wider arms, necks and faces, especially Daisy, Bonnie, Lisa and maybe Maya (as of the version 0.08). I find more sexy when the fats are distributed to all parts of body not just belly, ass and tits.


I recently had to change my Laptop's HDD and now I can't play the game 'cause I don't have the things that allow me to play it. Could somebody help me and tell me what do I need to download so I can play the game? (Besides WinRAR, I already have it)


Really love the update as always, I still think Trista's gain just looks weird, all her feeding sessions and sizes just look off. I LOVE the new UI, Marie became more of a favorite to me as her gain just looks the best, with the facial/neck gain included. I know there was a poll, its interesting to me that many people didn't enjoy facial gains. And as Tree Beard says, some girls look weird at bigger sizes, because they certain features remain skinny. While other parts being massive! I do have a glitch I think? Daisy is at 180KG but won't grow to another stage, she's stuck at stage 14 and I can't figure out whats causing it. Always enjoy when you expand on Bunny Bites, And I enjoy the new lessons too, Bunny Bites and the Classroom is where you're gonna spent most time so expanding on that seems like the right move. Also thank you for improving upon the RNG, this time around every character stopped by bunny bites pretty regularly so for the first time I didn't have to grind for ages until 1 certain girl would come by, everyone stopped by pretty evenly. I was wondering if the Luna story was tied to other characters their stage? I'm not that into boobstuff, so that whole storyline is my least favorite and I always put off stopping by Luna's office for as long as possible. just wondering! because sometimes events don't seem to trigger until I DO go to Luna's office and start that storyline. I'm asking because the gain scenes I trigger by going to Luna's office are not related to her at all. For Example, Bonnie was stage 12. But the last event was stage 7. Then I was like "Fine I'll go to Luna's office" and after that Bonnie's Stage 8 event triggered. but Luna's office visit wasn't related to her at all?


Daisys gain past 14 is tied to Luna so if you put off Luna you also put off Daisy ;) .... Also the hospital event line is not "only and really only boobs" anymore, just sayin' ;) Agreed about Trista, but thats probably because she's meant to grow muscles and fat at the same time (I assume)


Ah yes! Figured it was tied to Luna! I never put Luna off for so long haha, compared to other versions anyway. I've played the Luna Hospital story arc and its just not for me, even though its not just boobs anymore they are the main focus, can't really complain, can't please everyone! Yeah I also think its because she's meant to grow fat and muscle but still looks kinda weird. Thanks for your reply😊


The best way to do it is to remove the whole old game folder and play from the new game folder.


Thank you for your review, Luna is currently only linked to Daisy's stage 14 event, which is why Daisy is stuck on stage 14 for you. Trista is purposely designed to be like this, but she might decide to spend less time exercising soon.


more rebecca plssss

Tomas Kraft

Well, I agrre with Lynn/Leanne part. When she goes Causal mode she became another member of Long haired brunette with glasses club. Same as Daisy, Luna, Katrine. I get that would be authors preference. But they look somewhat similar to each other that way, except body proportions and personality.

Josh K

I shouldn't have watched the trailer, now I'm dying for the next update lol


Honestly can't wait for 0.9, any news?

Jauqe Le Roi

Hi Bladerune. without the intention to make you stress, when can we calculate with the new episode? In two weeks it will be March. The last episode was releaed in November...


Sorry for the wait, there are many moving part in making a game this size. Sometimes a couple of these parts fall short, don't arrive and/or need to be changed for various reasons. I'll be releasing the update in March, the exact date will be set later this week in a devblog.


Hey blade, just to add another point of view here: the larger the scope of this project gets (and it has become HUGE compared to 0.01!) and the more content you add, the more work you need to put into each update. I am sure we all are full aware of this vastly increased workload and I'd urge you to just take your time. Don't feel rushed to release a half-done update just because there's impatient questions about "when?!". Up until now your updates had very minor bugs (or sometimes none at all! :o ) and that's an incredible accomplishment for a freelance/low budget/small team project. I realize there are people who are literally at the edges of their seat and can't wait any longer - but even these people will appreciate a polished and (mostly) bug-free 0.09 in the end. Long story short - don't let the pressure get to you, just stick to your plan (whatever this means in detail). I am as eager as everyone else here around for 0.09, especially since you teased so many great improvements and additions. But I want to see a 1.0 sometime in the distant future, too and I do not want to see you burn out. :)

Story Master

Don’t feel the need to rush. Quality over expediency. I have seen time and again where great projects were pressured to send out a half finished product of one with too many cut corners and the overall quality suffered beyond recovery. It’s like they say you can’t rush art, and you my friend have a true work of art that I would prefer to have the best version of rather than a barely serviceable rush job. TLDR Take your time. Contrary o what others are saying, we can wait.

AwsumEcks Gaming

i wouldn't mind more Charlene content in the hopefully near future.


More stages of bonnie please 😁

Jauqe Le Roi

Nice. Thank you for uploading ;) Im looking up to the scene of Lisa. In my opinion everybody is crazy of her, but there are no requests. So im sure, if you ask your patreons of more scenes, the Feedback would be giant.