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Hello everyone,

The next update is closing in. Unfortunately I had some real life issues come up that prevented me from developing further. While those issues have now been mostly resolved, it will probably affect the release date of the next update. I'll be working hard to get the update out as soon as possible. I'll be still be releasing the update this November, with a target date on the 18th or 19th.

Everyone who has an active pledge in November will be send the new update when it is done, even if your pledge ends before the update is done.

Because of the real life issues I lost access to the Halloween renders.(The only thing I did not have a backup for.) I'll be remaking those and posting them again on Deviantart starting today.(Probably at an accelerated pace)

I'm sorry for this delay, I'll do my best to make the next update a banger.



Hey Blade~ I'm really sorry life stuff came in and caused such a havoc with the planned release date. But also man thank you so so much for pushing through that and still staying dedicated to creating amazing content for us all! I know its not the easiest to stay driven and on track when life throws curve balls our way. So even with unfortunate news in a post like this it still leaves me jubilant from a supporters standpoint to see you driving forward with making new content for the game~ best wishes, can't wait to try out the new stuff coming!!


Take your time - your mental health and looking after yourself when real life issues strike is way more important than a slight delay in updates

zac yearsley

I hope your okay bud


You always deliver amazing quality updates, no stress on the small delay. Life happens. Always appreciate how strong of a communication line you keep with us! Hope all is well.


Its fine man thanks for the update! Hope all is okay and can't wait for the new update!


Hope everything is well, life happens and its okay to put yourself first!


I hope you were able to sort out your RL issues! No worries, that one week of delay I will perhaps not even notice (as my RL is pretty hectic as well at the moment :D ) --- Very much looking forward to 0.08, the info you shared about it so far sounds pretty much incredible. :)


Private life priorities first ! A small delay is nothing, I can easily wait for this update, which apprears full of new content ! Thanks again for your efforts on this truely great game !


It’s okay buddy it’ll be worth the wait I have no doubt


Youre good man, real life issues come first and tbh I think everyone here can understand that. Just make sure to manage your time effectively so you dont burn yourself out!