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Cellulite, Yes or No?

  • Yes, I like to see cellulite 762
  • No, I would rather have characters with smooth skin 223
  • I have no preference on this matter. 204
  • 2023-10-04
  • 1189 votes
{'title': 'Cellulite, Yes or No?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, I like to see cellulite', 'votes': 762}, {'text': 'No, I would rather have characters with smooth skin', 'votes': 223}, {'text': 'I have no preference on this matter.', 'votes': 204}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 4, 20, 49, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1189}


Do you think some characters should have some cellulite?(Mainly bottom heavy characters)
Below is an example of a implementation of cellulite that I consider adding to the game.

Here are links to the images so you can see them in 4k:




Marcel Riksman

yes! its all part of the curves <3

Josh K

I know it's realistic but I don't like it. Obviously stretch marks and cellulite and stuff are things that come with the territory when you like big women in real life. I begrudgingly accept it as something other people are probably into in games, art and other fetish fantasy but if it's too exaggerated I nope-out.

Tshe Tsu

I feel like a lot of these things we should have an option on. Round faces, cellulite, stretch marks. I don't care for them. However, it would be nice to have the option to click to say yes or know. I understand you may have to redo a lot of renders, but this is my personal opinion and may be of common ground to others.


I am sure you will find the right amount on each girl so i am totally for it! As for stretch marks. With the right amount and some girls having some other wothput it’s all gonna be super hot!


cellulite is pretty good but I kinda think cellulite would be useful for only sex scenes or going to the swimming pool, taking a bath/shower or exercising and dancing but you could leave cellulite a tiny bit when they're stuffed during and after they finished with their meal

Akeno Himejima

If I have to look at it all the time? No. I can agree on sex scenes. Animations probably. It just sort of ruins the whole thing.. Make it an option if anything


I personally have no preference, but since this is for 3d models, I might prefer no cellulite simply because it would probably add a decent chunk of time to development in order to add good-looking cellulite to dozens of different models between subsequent weight stages. However if I'm wrong and it wouldn't actually take that long, I have no problem with it whatsoever, especially given the example images you've provided.


I picked yes, because I think the examples look simply awesome. Not only does it look very good, but it also builds more authenticity into the game - which is always a plus for me. I had the same reasoning with the fat faces and subtle stretchmarks; it simply makes the game look and feel better and more authentic/realistic with these features added. Awesome through and through.

Icarus con Queso

I feel like it's similar to the fat faces question. A certain amount brings good things but I've seen it implemented really aggressively in ways that just kill the fun/fantasy of it. These examples are great though.


While I like realism I have admit the closer someone gets there the more I like it. I will say that smooth skin has this aura of looking wet or sweaty which is nice. Where as the cellulite one looks abit too dry for my liking.


More examples please


I think cellulite and stretch marks would do wonders for adding realism to the 3D models. Big yes to both from me!


For me personally, cellulite, stretchmarks, and fat faces all fall into the category of alright if done in small amounts and moderation. They can add to the realism which is a huge plus but can easily be overdone and become off putting. Personally, the overall bodyshape (boobs, butt, belly) matter 10x more to me than minute, real life blemishes so I don't really have a lot lot of stake into either side. As long as it is done well and in moderation, I think they can be a nice add though.


I think the renders displayed are fine. Personally I could do without 'blemishes' since the fantasy is more important than the reality for me, but I can also see an appeal so long as they are relatively subtle accentuations of the forms, rather than dominating landmarks upon them.


Oily skin and latex would be awesome


Yes, please! Quite definitely. (And it looks awesome in those images.)


What do you think of the example given in this post? Too much? or within the small amounts you think looks good?


In most cases you won't really see the cellulite maps because the character is wearing clothing or the camera is just simply not close enough to the areas effected to see. So it will mostly only be sex scenes and close ups that show this.


The example looks great! Pretty much the range I would say is good. Noticeable enough it adds to the skin texture for realism sake but subtle enough you don't notice too much without focusing on it. You have a pretty good sense of the right amount of usage for all the aforementioned traits based on all the examples for the various poll posts, I trust your judgement with them all. 😁


Yes bring on the cellulite!!!


Man, I havent been here in a while. I never notice cellulite that much although I feel that a toggle may be the best option. If the base model comes without it and you have to manually add in the cellulite its an easy way to please both sides. Although if thats too much work I think cellulite being added in would be awesome me personally i love it


I am adoring this!


Really hoping to see cellulite next update