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Hello everyone, it is time for another devblog.

This time I want to talk about the next update for Fattening Career.
Especially about what content you can expect and what I'm focusing on.

As always I started with programming first, I had quite a lengthy list of things I wanted to fix and add to the game. As I have shown in a earlier post, there was a lot of UI clean up and work on the event replay feature. Besides those things I have shown I have also done the following:
- I made improvements to how non-looping animations work
- Created a way to change outfits/poses in the stats screen portrait(I'm not sure if I'll invest the time for the visuals yet in 0.08)
- Made it so that measurements show up in the selected system(metric or Imperial) in dialogue.
- Created a better preference menu with more fine-tuned options for what you want turned on and off. Currently sex scenes, needles and lactation will be things you can turn off. In the future, I will split up the sex scenes toggle into a few categories and I will add other kinks like pregnancy in here.
- Made it so that the random gym encounters will now be two girls back-to-back(this is for everyone besides Trista and Katrine).

Some people have asked me to add a way to see the stats of previous stages in the stats menu, currently I have not found a good way to implement this. I do want such a feature to exist, but I'll need to think about how to implement such a thing first.

While there is always more to fix and add on the programming side, I have now fully changed my focus to making the visuals. Because the latest poll had such an overwhelming turnout towards Luna and the hospital girls, I started making those events first. I have four planned events for them and one repeatable weekly event that earn the player some extra money.

Besides that part I have decided to at least add the follow in the next update:
- Special random streams for Leanne and Lyn, think sponsored streams and cosplay streams
- New lessons that Daisy will be teaching in class
- Hari introduction + at least 11 events
- More Cayenne events
- New Bunny Bites girls events
- More characters visiting the gym
- Classroom group projects

I'm not yet sure if Caroline and Vicky will be able to make it in this update, their stories are still being worked on. If they don't make it, I'll be adding more Cayenne, Leanne/Lyn and Daisy events instead.

So the reworking of the classroom parts might be split into two updates.

Next Devblog I'll be able to show off some images from the new content, but for now I'll leave it at this.

Thank you for the support, if you have any form of feedback, don't be afraid to let me know, I read all the posts and get a lot of inspiration out of them.

I hope you have a good day,



All those things will be great additions. Thank you!!

Misaki Sayuri

Sounds great :D. I love more lyn content and its a win win. If there is new girls content or more events with lyn and daisy. I also love the new content for teh bunny bites girls