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Hello everyone, I think it's time for another devblog.

I hope everyone is enjoying/has enjoyed the last update. This update went a lot smoother then the previous ones. I only had to do one mandatory hotfix to fix some crashes that showed up under certain circumstances, this was mostly because of great testing done by Krodmandoon and the writers before launch. I will probably do another hotfix in a week or so to fix some typos and change some dialogue to make more sense.

If any of you have some feedback, positive or negative(as long as it's constructive), I would love to hear it. Your feedback helps shape the game. The best way to leave feedback is by posting on the weightgaming forum or on my discord.

Currently I'm taking a step back for a few weeks to relax a bit, focus on testing some things, clean up the project and read all the great feedback from you guys. During this time I will be running polls about the game and will bring out new pages for the Hanna comic.

Thank you all for the amazing support and have a good day!



I left some feedback in a comment above. I don't know if you saw it or it got lost between others ^^U. Just wanted to make sure. Regards!

Aspentree .

I am definitely belly biased. And because of that, my favorites are Bonnie as number one, Katrine as number 2, then Daisy and Lyn tied for number 3. I love the way Bonnie and Katrine's bellies grow through their stages and definitely want to see them both getting even bigger.