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Hello everyone,

Let's start with the most anticipated part. The next update is scheduled to release the last weekend of this month. Either the 29th or the 30th will be when the update releases on Patreon.

The new content is spread all over the place this time. Trista, Katrine, Luna, Daisy, Cayenne, Leanne/Lyn, Marie, Amber and Lisa all got new events and both the gym and Bunny Bites have some new scenes and surprises. There have been some UI updates that should improve the experience and a couple characters have a few extra weight gain stages to explore.

Then there is some negative news. I transferred over the project to the most recent stable version of Ren'py, there were a few obstacles I had to overcome but everything is working now. The reason for the updating the engine is to have some of the newer features and get compatibility with better video and image formats. Currently I'm not yet using these new features and formats but I wanted to do the upgrade sooner then later. This will most likely be the only time I upgrade the Ren'py version in the middle of a project. So what is the negative? It no longer remembers read dialogue from older versions of the game, so you can't immediately skip over the dialogue you have seen already.

Also, it has been more than a year since I started working on Fattening Career. It's actually kinda crazy, I really doesn't feel like it has been a year but I guess time goes by quickly when you are having fun. The project has a whopping 11,000 images and ~173,000 words. All this wouldn't be possible without the overwhelming support from you guys, thank you so much!

It's a shorter devblog this time, I will be hard at work on the update the coming weeks. Have a good day!



Thanks for the update, sounds great! 😃


Mega hype time! Can't wait for this update, it's looking like the best one yet! Especially hyped with Luna/hospital girls and Leanne! Update should be a banger. 🔥


This is amazing news Blade! Thank you a ton once again for your incredible work on this project!


Perfect time for the upgrade. We had the longest pause yet (i think) with updates and i am eager to "re" experience the story and read the text. Thank you for the continued updates and i am glad that you still have fun with the project!

Red Nior

I appreciate the update, looking forward to it at the end of the month


I fail to see where's the seriously negative thing. It's high time I play through the whole thing again without skipping text too often. :) Looking forward the most to the new weight gain stage for Daisy (there IS one, right? RIGHT? 😁 ) and the Leanne/Lynn story. Will not be able to download/play before early August but that's my own problem, not yours. :D


Sorry to disappoint but Daisy will not get new stages in this update. I want to catch up to stage 17 with her events first.


To clarify though, Daisy will be getting scenes filling in the event stages for 14-17, then?


The end of the month is going to be busy huh... Between this update and Baldur's Gate 3's pre-launch I'll hardly have the time to even decide which to play!


It's okay, I halfway expected that answer. :D And while it may seem like bad news it's actually the other way around: more to look forward to in the next update! Or the one thereafter. Or the one after THAT one. Sometime soon (in a couple of months) at a particularly happy day Daisy will show off her massive stage-25-ass and legs and belly and bust and arms and chubby face in the classroom, no doubt. And until then I'm just looking forward to that happy day and enjoy the new content you included for the other girls. :)


Yes, she gets a stage 14 and a stage 15 event in this update. The stage 14 event has 2 variants that depend on how fat Luna is.


do we get to interact more with lisa in this version?

Red Nior

Variants for Luna and lye/Leanne? That is intriguing 🤔 I wonder who else will have that, if I'm understanding what you are saying.


Wait no skipping function for anything anymore?


I think skipping will still work. it just won't read the interpret what is/isn't skippable from your last save file


Like mushufasa said, it doesn't remember what dialogue you have seen before 0.07 so only the first time you see the dialogue in 0.07 is when you can't skip. The skipping feature still works fine though.


Ask if it's not too much trouble, do you plan to translate the game into different languages one day? (I managed to translate only the teacher's story in version 0.05)


Loving the game! It's sensational! Not meaning to create a spoiler but how many characters are getting additional weight gain stages?


Maybe when the game is finished, but until then translating the game would be too much effort for every update.


Great to hear that you love the game! 3 characters will get a new stage and 1 character will get 2 new stages. My main focus is to establish the cast of characters with ~11 stages and a story before continuing the big gains on all the characters.