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Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share some of the things I have been working on lately and on what to expect for the next update.

So first off, I'm now finally done with my dayjob, while there is still quite a bit of stuff I need to take care off in terms of paperwork, I will be able to dedicate a lot more time to working on the game.

After working on some of the events for Katrine, Trista and Luna I realized some of the environments I had weren't good enough or didn't match what I had in mind. So I commissioned a talented environmental artist to create a beach and a clothing/lingerie store for me. There are a few images showing these off.
Hanna's comic was waiting for the clothing store, so I can now continue her pages.
Next Hanna pages are probably done around the weekend.

Most of the foods you see in the game are just one 3d model without any way for me to make it so it looks like there was a bite taken out of it. I have now started to make better food assets with half eaten variants.
I already had a cake and now have a hotdog. I will probably create donuts, pizza slices and burgers in the same way.

Then I would like to introduce the tall character, when the poll decided that Hari would be a short character, many of you wanted me to also have a really tall character in the game. So here is the latest look for Esmeralda, she will be the owner of the clothing/lingerie store, her wish is to provide woman with bigger assets a fitting outfit. She herself has struggled most of her life to find fitting clothing because of her height. She has created a store that has clothing for the biggest possible sizes. It doesn't matter if you have T-cup sized breasts, or weigh 600+ pounds, she has something that fits. With all the growing woman, this store will become a hotspot for all the characters to shop for new clothes.

Then lastly I want to talk a bit on what content I want to add in 0.07.
- Leanne/Lyn returns(A few events and some repeatable dates etc)
- Luna and the test subjects story continues
- Trista and Katrine finish their storyline together
- Lisa gets her own content(So you can focus her gain instead of relying on Bunny Bites rng)
- The gym will be a place where other characters can be found working out(some mini events)
- Two more Daisy story events
- One more Marie story event
- One more Amber story event

I don't have any timeline for when I think I'm done with all this, if you are just subscribing for the latest update, I recommend to unsub and keep an eye on my pages because I can't guarantee there will be an update in June.

Thank you all for all the amazing support, you made it possible for me to go full time on developing the game.




Take all the time you want

Red Nior

I know this post is from last month but I'm liking Lyn a lot, nice to see more content for her.