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Hello everyone,
Now that 0.06 has been released for a bit, its time for another development update.

I just released another hotfix for the game(0.06c), in this one I fixed a lot of typos and visual bugs. There are still some things that need to be changed/fixed but those will be fixed in 0.07
As always the hotfix doesn't break save games, all 0.06 save games are compatible with all the hotfixes, so if you are in the middle of a playthrough, I recommend downloading the new update to continue.

Now I will turn my full attention to creating 0.07, this will be containing everything I promised that would be in 0.06 before and maybe some more. I'm going to hold off on giving a time frame right now, because I feel like I'm often underestimating how much time everything takes to finish. Developing this game really has the 80/20 rule going on, Meaning that I finish creating 80% of the content in 20% of the time and the remaining 80% of my time is spent on the last 20% of the content.

Then I want to give some proper shout outs to the people who helped me great this update.
MarkJ94 - Her still has no socials where you can find him but he made all the story/dialogue for Trista and Katrine, which is a lot of text :P

Krodmandoon - The amount of typos and bugs found by him is insane, this is both a oversight on my part and a amazing job by Krodmandoon.

Expanding Universe Games - At the last moment I had some trouble finishing some sex scene dialogue, Then EUG came in and helped me out tremendously. Not only did he help me finish the update but the sex scene dialogue is just 10x better than i would have made. He made the dialogue for the stage 3 and 4 Katrine sex scenes and the Trista stage 6 sex scenes.
If you enjoyed his dialogue, make sure to check out his games(which focus on Breasts Expansion) here: https://www.patreon.com/expandinguniverse
We might or might not be teaming up on some stuff in the future.

And lastly I want to thank you guys for all the amazing support, I'm always shocked by how many people play and enjoy this game whenever I put out an update.

I will continue making pages for the Hanna comic and I have a lot of polls queued up for the coming weeks.
Have a good weekend!


Josh K

I started off certain that I would wait until your next big update to play again, but I caved to see the new Katrine and Trista stories and I am 100% not sorry. I really can't believe how expansive this game is getting, there are so many women and so many stories, the idea that there are still more characters to flesh out is wild.


Happy to hear all that Blade and shoot, just happy to be here myself. Just about everyone I've come across in this patreon has been top notch, supportive, awesome. I find it crazy at times myself yet amazing that we can all collectively come together and just be kind and supportive surrounding a "mutual interest" hahaha. Everyone reading this is incredible, never stop being you! 👊


I speak Spanish so I don't notice those mistakes

Herbie Wiles

Hi again I can't seem to download the app even though I allowed it too. Do you have any suggestions?


The update was top notch. Markj94 did a great job with the girls. I’m really looking forward to see where their storylines go. And EUG’s sex and dialogue scenes always feel so natural. The reason I love Hypnosis and Endowed is partly due to how natural the characters and dialogue feels in general. And I think that shines through here. The quality in scenes, layout, renders, structure, writing, etc has been ramping up for the last few updates. Definitely nice to see.

Happy Potato

Did you allow it for that instance or told it (anti-virus) that it's safe? If yes, then all i can offer is figuring out what else is causing the block, firewall, internet, etc

Herbie Wiles

Nevermind it downloaded last night