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Hello everyone,

I would like to apologize for the continued absence while posting about being back and ready to develop again. It turns out that I wasn't ready to get back to it. After finally having a moment of rest following all that happened, my body pretty much shut down and I got really sick for a good week and a half. I'll be taking it a little slow from now until I'm finally done with my day job.

So because I'm far behind any schedule I had initially set for the release, and the last poll being fairly split, I have decided to split up the update in 2 parts. The Katrine and Trista gym update first and then another update later with Luna, Leanne/Lynn, Daisy and Lisa their content.

I'll try to catch up on messages, but if I never respond to yours, feel free to message me again because a lot has escaped my attention the last weeks.



Good to hear that you feel better after the time off!


Rest well, body first~

Akeno Himejima

Take your time. Your health is more important ^^


All good dude, things happen! Take your time and take care of yourself, do what you need to do. I'm actually also dealing with unforseen stuff, in post surgery recover after stepping on a piece of broken glass one of my roommates missed sweeping up, shape and depth resulted in them cutting into my foot to remove it and I'm recovering with stitches now, stuck without a foot for 2 weeks. We never know what's coming next, just do our best to stabilize and keep looking forward towards our future and goals! Wishing the best for ya personally and work-wise~


Thanks again for keeping us in the loop and take care of yourself. You're letting us all know whats going on don't stress if the update takes longer than expected! Sounds like you've had a rough time lately in the end it's just a game look after yourself!


Super appreciate the transparency, it means a lot that you're open and honest with us. Do you think the Katrine/Trista content will still release within April?


No worries man, appreciate the communication. This update being a split one will be honestly kind of nice to bridge the gap until you are working on the game full time so I think that works out perfect. I wouldn't stress your schedule too much until the game is your primary focus, it technically is still a hobby side project for the next month ish after all. Get everything squared away for yourself first and get feeling better and we will have the two halves of this update to keep us busy until your schedule smoothes out. Hope you get feeling better!


I'll try to get it out the door before April ends but I'm not sure how much work i can get done the coming days.


Plz take all the time you need! You've clearly been struggling through some rough times recently so you deserve to take things at your own pace for now. Will be happily awaiting the release whenever that may be :)


Take care of your health. Hope you get better.


Looking through the posts, I do hope you're doing better. New update was absolutely fantastic.