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Hello everyone, it has been i while since the last dev blog so i wanted to give you all a quick update on what i am working on.

I have been experimenting some more with animations, i want to characters to feel more alive and animations is one way to do this. Right now all the sex animations are pretty simple, its just the guy thrusting his hips in a particular axis with a circular motion that repeats every second or so. But in the next update i will instead mix it up slightly, instead of just the male body thrusting and letting the physics do all the movement the female character makes, i have now essentially made it so the female character rides the dick of the male character, the motions of the female character are therefore way more detailed and good looking. So now i can have 3 types of sex animations, Thrust, Ride or Thrust + Ride.

But sex animations aren't the only animations i have been working on, in the next update we will see some characters shake their breasts or butt in an animation and some characters will get a idle "standing around" animation when they are waiting for you to make a choice.

Some examples for these animations are in the spoiler post i posted a while back.

I am close to finishing Bonnie her events up to stage 11, saying she gets big is an understatement. I would like to share some more about her story but it would a be a big spoiler, so i decided to keep it all a surprise.

Luna her reworked sex scenes are looking great and i put some animations in there.
And while talking Luna, the writing for Luna keeps coming in and its coming along really nicely.

All of daisy her old content has now been redone, so no more old visuals.
Recently Eyebeast started working on Daisy her events for stages 12+, i probably won't be able to add all the events before the next patch, but there will at least be a couple new events coming for Daisy in 0.05.

A couple posts back i showed off some of the new characters coming in 0.05, i have made weight gain stages for them all and made all visuals for them to visit Bunny Bites. So we now have way more characters visiting Bunny Bites, which is why i will make it so there are more visits every time you work. And this together with the new feature to choose a customer of the week will probably make the Bunny Bites experience quite a bit better. I am also considering adding random little events here, like Maya flashing her boobs when no one is around or Bonnie undoing her belt to make room for her bulging belly while eating.

Lately i have been trying to design some things, like a good looking page for Patreon, Itch, Weight gaming and Deviantart but i don't think i have this designer expertise to make it look good. So i would like to ask if anyone here would like to help make this all look a bit more professional?

That is all for this devblog, the update is still scheduled to come out end of December. I want to thank all of you for the amazing support, it really is an honor to develop a game with such a great community.


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