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First i want to thank everyone for the amazing support, the support has allowed me to buy assets, hire writers and upgrade hardware to improve the quality of the game.(If the amount of support keeps being this much then i will go work part time at my irl job so i can dedicate more time to this game and any future games.)

Patreon has notified me that i can now change subscription payment to be more logical, instead of their current system of making subs pay every 1st of the month, i can now select an option so it refreshes payment every month on the same day you subscribed. This means that if you were to start a sub on the 29th you don't have to pay again on the 1st of the next month(pretty much making you pay twice), instead you pay on the 29th of the next month.

I dont see any reason not to turn this on, so if you are all fine with it i will make sure it is turned on on the 29th(in two days). Please tell me if you think this isn't a good idea and why.


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