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I want to do a quick update on what is going on and what my ideas for 0.04 are.

First i want to address 2 issues currently present in the game:

-The Android version APK being limited to 2GB, because the game has now surpassed 2GB and will only get bigger and bigger with future updates i need a way to fix this. So i did some testing and found out that at least for a good while i have a fix for this with limited downsides, The .webp images format allows for similar quality for around 1/4 the filesize, i was able to slim down the current game to about 500MB. I will not go the distance to make this fully functional for 0.03 because i believe the current workaround is good enough for this patch. After i release 0.04 for PC i will take a week to make the game compatible with .webp and then do the android release.

-Videos being unskippable sometimes, This issue is a real headscratcher for me because when i try to recreate this it seems to randomly work and then not work after some time. I am still testing some stuff to figure this one out. Anyone who has any idea about how to fix this, please tell me :P

Second is the content i am working on right now:

-Amber is the first of the 3 girls i have started to work on, i redid all of her current content with the new things i learned(wasn't too much work) and immediately made all scenes up to stage 11, I am now creating stuff outside of Bunny Bites to go with her to.(Comparison picture posted above)

-Luna is getting content outside of her house, you get to know what work she does and why her breasts are growing so fast. I am creating events and animations for her, some things are a bit experimental for me to create so i am taking my time to do it right.

-Another writer reached out to me, they are working on an amazing story for Bonnie, i received an outline and i can't wait to work on her visuals.

-I have written down some ideas for random events for different characters and i am slowly implementing them into the game.

-All characters have been modeled to go up to the sizes needed for 0.04 and beyond.

-Like i teased last time, there are new locations that will get added in future patches. I did my best to get some more potential environments so the writers will have more options to choose from.

And then some other stuff:

- I want to greatly expand the content relating to Bunny Bites, more stuff happening during work, going on dates with the Bunny Bites girls after work and more story happening here. Considering that there will be loads of times where you want to work to get money, i want to make sure that working at Bunny Bites is an enjoyable experience with plenty of options to further the gain of the girls working there and the customers.

- Because the next patch will release in October i would like to implement a small halloween event which would just bring some more flavour to the game. Maybe some sexy halloween outfits would be appropriate during such an event?

- Animations, i am not happy enough with the current stage of animations in the game, i am testing various things to try and up their quality. You will probably see loads of test animations here soon.

- Physics and Collision, i have done many tweak and iterations to make breasts and butt look better, but while i think the breasts are looking pretty good right now, butts are kinda hit or miss right now. For butts to look good i have to use certain poses, but i don't really want to be limited to only a couple poses, this is where collision and physics come in. I have seen others create some really good looking butts in VAM and i believe i could do the same if i get a hang of the glute collisions and glute physics. Just like the animations, this will need more testing. I am also working on boobs interacting with the environment, this is way harder than i thought it would be.(Test in the pictures above)

- Fat girls in bikinis? Sign me up! For some reason i give all the characters a bikini outfit too, i don't know how i want to implement this yet but at some point i would like to get some beach or pool scenes in the game with all the girls.(some bikini pictures that i rendered a while back above)

Thanks everyone for all the support, this game wouldn't be as ambitions if it weren't for this great community!



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