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Do you think the background music suits the game?

  • Yes, It suits the game. 359
  • No, the music does not suit the game. 23
  • I have the music turned off. 288
  • 2024-03-10
  • —2024-03-22
  • 670 votes
{'title': 'Do you think the background music suits the game?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, It suits the game.', 'votes': 359}, {'text': 'No, the music does not suit the game.', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'I have the music turned off.', 'votes': 288}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 22, 11, 14, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 10, 11, 5, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 670}


Update 0.08 saw a few locations get some background music to make it a bit more lively.
In the next update, this there will be a few more background music tracks added to the game in a similar style.
But I never polled what people thought about it.

So, do you think the current background music suits the game?
Feel free to leave a comment with thoughts about this subject and/or to go more in-depth on what you want to hear in the game in the future.



I think it does, but I wish the music was more consistant. It keeps restarting and changing in weird places that I don't make much sense, it throws me off little bit


I play my fetish games with music off

Story Master

It fits but I feel like there’s better option that would fit better. Certainly slow sensual music with saxophones, acoustic guitars, and/or slow piano music for those more intimate moments. Sets the mood you know. Other places need their own feel. Not all places need their own theme music but I’m sure there’s a way to label how a place is supposed to feel, and use it for multiple places.


I actually enjoy the music during the dialogue. But honestly I don't pay enough attention to it to critique it to bad lol


Slow sensual/erotic music is in the works for the intimate moments, this won't be added in 0.09 though. The first step is to have music linked to locations/characters and then after that I'll start adding music for specific moods.(Like a sad song for a sad moment.) Could you give me an example of places you think could share the same background music?

Story Master

Classroom and library could have a slice of life feel, maybe the hospital but the hospital could also just be its own music. Bunny bites, the cafe, and chocolate shop should feel chill and inviting. Any of the homes or apartments when nothing sexy is going on could have the same vibe. The beach and your pool could have that summer time feel. Maybe the gym and Lyns stream have the same music, something upbeat.


Not a top priority, but always appreciate the little extra polish. If it doesn't take much time/effort away from the main parts of the game, I am always for it!


C'est bon. Mais je pense que des bruits de fond pourrais être pas mal aussi. Je pense au bruit de restaurant ou de café ou d'école qui se lancerait après quelques dialogues !