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Heyyoooo! Sorry for the lack of update last month, I just felt overwhelmed with family, mental health, etc. also for the lack of content I'm able to share at the moment. I've been doing some exciting behind-the-scenes stuff ;3

Lately I've been grinding Godot tutorials(like the ActionRPG zelda-like) trying to get a feel for the application. I'm finding it more flexible than gamemaker but I'll still need weeks with it to whip up any kinda demo. Learning a programming language is hard! The Metroidvania Flagrant Fennec is being worked on in Love2D but it's very slow going since my coder is over encumbered with life circumstances, but in the meantime I've been considering working on a side-game either solo or with a 3rd party. Depending how that goes there may be something to see in the coming weeks!
Stay tuned for that >:3

Another thing I've been working on is retraining myself how to sketch. I've been doing 60sec gesture drawings every day and it's kinda changing the way I work which is awesome!  I used to sketch out lots of construction shapes and whatnot but I've gotten much faster which is why I'm offering a new Patreon Tier!

Soooo my sticker printer has gotten alotta use and is experiencing more and more problems; overheating, streaky prints, calibration errors, paper feed failures, etc. I've decided to take a break from offering stickers for the time being until I can afford a new and preferably much higher quality printer. I can't say when that'll be. For now I'll be offering sketches with the Sketchie Friend <3 tier for 20$! Communication is important for commissions like that so stay in contact!! Preferably on Discord. I'll try to redeem sketches near the end of every month.

Anyways thank you for reading and for being patient! I'm still nursing family regularly and trying to keep my mental health in balance with everything going on. I'll have more to share soon! If you ever have any questions message me here, on Discord, or Twitter! Thank you for keeping me and my work alive!! <3 <3 <3

