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Heyooo! I've been experimenting alot lately with art styles for the still unnamed metroidvania! The included art is censored for public viewing on Patreon but u can view them fully if you are 18+ on my ADULTS ONLY Twitter

The first included gif is a 3D model I created in Adobe Medium in VR, I recorded a 360 video of it, greenscreened it and converted it to a gif, squashed it down to pixelart size, and spent at least an hour on every frame. It was VERY tedious, I couldn't imagine doing an entire game like DK Country like that. Fortunately I don't have any plans for more crazy 3d sprites like that for now, it was a neat experiment tho!

Backgrounds have been really tough. I've experimented with more traditional tilesets and whatnot but went to larger "painted" style environments. I spent alotta time practicing with Bob Ross videos and whatnot but couldn't pin a style down. Now it's March so I'll be trying out traditional tile environment art once again since it'll save a ton of time in the long run.

Enemies are always fun to think about and work on :3
I've included the Taur style alien animations here but need to move on to the hentai loop, transition to finish, finish loop, then cool-down parts of the animation. It'll be one big beautiful animation, be sure to see the wips on Twit and Discord! I'll need help selecting future enemy types and I'll be sure to give patrons polls for that type of content, stay tuned!

I can't say yet when there will be any kinda Alpha or demo but the early systems are being worked on, it's gonna be a pretty game with super tight gameplay >:3
I'll keep everyone updated!

Thank you all for your continued support! I hope y'all see my vision for a super lewd metroidvania with unique alien body types, poses, tons of goo, and a big emphasis on tight ass gameplay!!!

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- https://twitter.com/SesVanbrubles



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