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And to continue with Cinnamon's birthday, let's release his own movie!

Now, if you have been a follower of Paradise Hamsubs for a long time, you may know that we did release Cinnamon's movie on 2011, 13 years ago.

However, that release was trash. Literal trash. Back then we didn't have a proper raw, so we had to stitch together a version of the movie that was split in 7 parts and uploaded to youtube, which had missing scenes, repeated scenes and a terrible quality video-wise.

Later on, we finally got our hands on an actual DVD raw, but for some reason this movie is cursed and Aegisub and other programs have a lot of issue with it, and desynchro the audio and video reaching a specific point of the movie.

Even while working on this version of the movie it happened again! We think it has been fixed or at least it's negligible, but if you find an issue, please accept our apologies. We are absolutely puzzled about why it happens to this movie specifically, with different raws, and even using different forks of Aegisub.

Now, moving on to the movie, there's been so many changes to the translation, as well as adding karaoke (opening, ending) and missing lines that we have decided to not even consider it as a revamp, but as a new release.

We also want to make a note that we would like to continue working on more Cinnamon stuff soon, there's the I.Cinnamon's cooking show episodes, there's some of Cinnamon's shorts that didn't make it to the batch episodes and there's even some stand-alone videos on their youtube channel we will be working on someday! So stay tuned!

We hope you enjoy the movie, and make sure to wish Cinnamon a happy birthday!


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