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Finally! It is here! The third and last season of Sugar Bunnies: Fleur.

This season offers a continuation of Chocolat but with a whole bunch of new additions: new characters, new opening and ending and new fortune telling segment!

As discussed on the end of year report, SB Fleur was delayed last year mainly because we run out of time to work on it, but also because of all the new things added this season.

You see, we bought the DVDs for Fleur and ripped them to use as HQ raws, but there are other raws available online that date from the time when the series aired on TV during the "Kitty Paradise" program, which was a kids show run by Sanrio which aired a bunch of different shows from the company. These raws included "Kitty Paradise"'s opening instead of Fleur's, and they had no ending. But they included a special "fortune-telling" segment called "Sugarbunnies Pâtissier Fortune-Telling".

So we decided to grab the opening and ending from our DVD raws, cut out the Kitty Paradise opening and stitch together ours along with the fortune-telling. Easy, right?

Well, not that simple! Turns out our DVD raws and the TV raws had a different ratio (720 vs 1080), so the usual merging technique didn't work as the aspect ratios were different between the two raws merging and- Well, long story short and without getting into boring detail, our amazing collaborator Reboot made some encoding magic and managed to create files that re-size from 720 to 1080 whenever needed. We later found that one of the TV raws had the original opening on it for some reason, so the only change will be noticeable during the ending.

Sadly, this means the raw will have a daytime watermark but trust us, it was the best solution we could find!

This is the reason it has taken us so long to release this. We wanted to be completely transparent, and also we think this explanation will show just how amazing the work that Reboot has done is, we appreciate it a lot!

Now onto the episode itself, this season starts slightly different than the others and it looks like the plot is going to move in a complete different direction. It is funny to see each character becoming more mature... except for the bunnies.

Please enjoy this new adventure!


[Paradise] Sugar Bunnies Fleur - 01-04.mp4

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