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Hello everyone, we would like to apologize for the lack of releases and the fact that we're behind schedule in the revamps.

The team is not quite happy with the lack of meaningful releases during this year, it is certainly a change from last year's amazing release schedule.

So, for today, we just want to tell you about everything that we've been working on in the backstage and will be released eventually:
-March and April Hamtaro revamps are done. April revamps too? Well, we expect a certain hamster to win easily for April, so we went ahead and worked on a revamped episode for them. If they don't win, then you will get a third revamp hopefully!
-Sugar Bunnies Chocolat is already translated. Yup, that's correct. We have finished translating all of the second season of Sugar Bunnies, and it's amazing! However, only a few episodes are timed so far. More on that later.
-Or now! We are also working on a version 2 of the original Sugar Bunnies. Basically we've improved a lot of the translations, fixed some names to make them consistent and added a few extra flavor things here and there. We are also working on a karaoke opening and ending, which is taking a bit of time and it's not complete yet. This is why we haven't released Chocolat episodes yet, we are waiting on the opening and ending so we don't have to make a version 2 eventually. Sorry about that!
-We have been working on Jewelpet translations together with Stardust Fansubs, and we are up to episode 27. So that's a lot of work already taken care of!

And the best thing of all of this is... that we basically did all this during March.

However, there's a reason we have been working so hard this month.

André is taking a vacation. He will be away until at least late May, that's why he has prepared a lot of work ahead of time.

He will still have access to a computer so expect a few more releases, but the team will now focus into releasing all the things he has translated once the other steps are completed.

We want to apologize for the little "hiatus" this may imply, we hope to bring you more goodies soon!


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