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Hello everyone!

We're super excited to release this! And we hope you are excited to watch it!

Sugar Bunnies is a Sanrio franchise that preceeds Jewelpet and was born while Hamtaro was airing, although the anime started the year after Hamtaro's last episode.

It's a relatively short series extending itself over 3 seasons of 27 episodes each (the last season only has 26 episodes actually) but each episode has a length of 7-8 minutes.

Something else to note is that the raws we have for both the first and second season are mixed together in batches of 4 or 5 episodes. The third season, probably, have individual episodes... but we will discuss that once we get there.

This means that we will be subbing these episodes in said batches, for easiness when encoding.

Now, this first batch of episodes was somewhat tricky. 

We had to work on the opening and ending completely blind (there's no available romanji or even hiragana scripts, so we had to read the karaoke ourselves), so sadly we won't be adding a full "karaoke" version for now, but we did add the translation for both.

Pretty much all characters are introduced on this episode, and we got their names right, thanks to other sources. The bus driver name was specially painful, but we got help from a friend and managed to find what it was!

We played a little with the title screen effects, and although we're not completely satisfied with the result, we think it's pretty acceptable!

Lastly, we had to take a decision and decide wether we wanted to keep the japanese names or "englishfy" them. There does not seem to be an official name in english media for these characters, so we kept their japanese names. We did add an english translation in their presentation, don't worry!

This is going to be a fun project we will be working in tandem with Hamtaro and Jewelpet, but there are other projects we will be talking about on year end's update so look forward to it!

For now, we hope you enjoy this adventure with Bunnysfield's denizens!


[Paradise] Sugarbunnies - 01-04.mp4

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