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Hi all, just wanted to throw out at the top that I've paused patreon payments for the upcoming month. I feel as if I've failed yall a lot on delivering on content and appreciate you all sticking around, but I've really dropped the ball again on delivering on anything meaningful for you all to have been subscribed to yet again. for that I'm sorry.

Following up, I know I've talked about these as an idea before and have waxed and waned on initiating anything relating to them, but I'm taking this opportunity around still having weird long work hours to follow thru on some old format ideas I was interested in in the past: specifically, making mini Zines for different little fur comics. 

I like these because they are intentionally small and short, and a small canvas that restricts me from doing overly complex paneling, which I feel like is something that bogs me down a lot in my design process for comics. Secondary, and a very utilitarian response, is its art I'm able to work on at work, with my hours getting longer this format gives me a small and compact way to work on art while in the lab without being overly salacious or specific. I am able to effectively do the blue-line sketch on paper and then transfer them to digital ink in the same steps I would for any desktop sketch, and save on time. 

I think this is going to remain content thats exclusively here on Patreon in a digital format, but want to eventually use these as a way to fulfill my bucket-list item of creating and selling a furry product, whether its a limited run or at a convention or a bundle of these are sent out in place of the Big Ott Club Rewards in place of the monthly YCH stickers (which I'm still criminally behind on.)

The Fat Legoshi Zine is the current only one I have any digital ink for, (which, fun fact was inspired by the very real bisexual vore awakening of a "straight" friend of mine discovering themselves) but I currently have about fifteen completed or half-finished Paper Zines that I've doodled up at work, ranging from all kinds of kinks (but primarily keeping in my wheelhouse.) I again want to poke yall for feedback for these kinds of things, and to what degree of "effort" you'd be interested in me exploring this further. 

More to come,




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