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Here's the current calendar. In a few days when i get closer to it I'll throw up a google form for people to submit; since its first come first serve, you might not get what you wanted so feel free to fill out for as many as you'd be interested in and then if you don't get your #1 then you might get your #2 and #3. 

As well, as a new rule, I'm going to reach out to people and you got 24 hours to respond before I give the slot to the next person. Last year a big issue was people not responding in time and I had a lot of difficulty chasing people down for too long. Keep your phones near you after you submit! 

Target for submitting the form is the 27th





My eye are on the mpreg one 😼


if ya dont get it, im willing to make an exception for mpreg/preg slot for ya 😜 e.g. if you got the preg slot i could make it mpreg or vice versa


wow, can't believe it's this time of year again already!