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Heyo all, just wanted to drop this hint for a new little side project I’m going to be working on on twitter, half self-indulgent and half-“”social experiment”” (big scare quotes there as I know that term has lost a lot of its substance over the years.)

The root of the project is its a vore/ digestion themed account focused entirely on “decommissioning” characters. What this means:

  • All prey characters who apply will be “”permanently”” eaten by the main pred character of the account. In all things, permavore is never truly that perma- as there is always the hand wave assumption of this only exists within the fiction of the art in front of you, and all characters ignore it after the book closes. Through this, I’m going to the best of my ability make this not the case. That means that, in lore, the character will meet their canonical end being digested by the main pred character.
  • In reality, that means that any of these prey furs are going to be “decommissioned” hence the name @DeComm_NSFW. As part of the agreement whenever someone signs up for this, if they are selected they are giving me ownership of the character for this purpose, in the same way how some may trade or adopt others, this is a terminus for that process.
  • Obviously, I cannot stop someone from going out and acting as if this didn’t happen, but I’m going to make an effort to reenforce the mission statement of this account thruout the buying process.
  • As a basis of content, all prey eaten by the pred are going to have a permenant impact on their physique. Most noticeably in the form of weight gain but also in the form of tattoos (not ones that magically instantly appear but instead that are gone out and acquired by hand as time goes on) this is going to be inspired by stuff like weight gain drives or other art-fundrasing styles but long term, over the course of a year, or more if successful.
  • As a business platform, this is going to be another form of commissions, anyone can apply via a form and at anytime I have downtime between projects, I’d work on this. I do not intend for this to impact any current works, and as members of my patreon you will still see and have access to things such as WIPs.
  • Regarding this as a “social experiment”: While largely a moot point, I wanted to use this premise to see how far and willing people will go to participate in something like this and the general reaction. In making the vore for-keeps it kind of gives it a certain level of reverence. Pair it with the hot take of “some people have too many characters they don’t use” it shines a mirror at the fandom.

Anyway, thats the current state of affairs. I may be throwing up some WIP’s or polls for who the pred should be, more to come.



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