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So, here’s the plan. I want to do remasters of last years inktober to both test myself and put me thru my paces again, and to show how I’ve improved since last year and having a direct 1:1 comparison of the art, then and now. 

But not all were winners and I need to swap out some stuff, some didn’t work and some was eh when I thought I’d be more into it than I was. So This is gonna come thru in a 4 part plan:

1) Swap out some of the stuff here. green checks are evergreen stuff I want to keep, red is I-don’t-hate-it-but-its-on-the-chopping-block. I’m looking for more suggestions as to what can fill their place but since this is a bit of a self-indulgence bit, I’m not going to take every suggestion just because there’s a red still to be swapped. 

2) I’m opening this up for sale. When commissions open next this mid-September I’m going to open these slots up for purchase, 20$ for a sketch similar to each of these thats a semi-faithful if not inspired by sketch to last years. Limits are going to be 3 per person, and Da Big Ott Club Tier Patrons are going to get 2 for free. 

3) anything that doesn’t sell I’ll draw with myself. 

4) drop a comment for suggestions as to what might look good or ideas, and peak around at my gallery for inspiration as to what each meant. 



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