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Personally i think New vegas was the best of the series



While I think fallout 2 was the best, NV kept to the rpg roots while 4 is very light on those. NV also has amazing dialog, a critical point in any fallout game. And Obsidian is my favorite game studio of all time


Go go with New Vegas, it was more of an RPG then 4 was. Though 4 had major upgrades to aspects of combat and customization but New Vegas was better still mainly because it had a better story line than 4 did as well as having better quality DLC for your money.


I like the personally like fallout nv but the deathclaws on 4 look better


of course, falllout 4 looks way better, even if you mod NV it wont look as good


Never played NV but am playing FO4 now using the Hunter build from Fudgemuppet. Edited- You thinking of creating a character from them?


I choose 4 because of the mods it's way better than vegas