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I don't know how mentally healthy this might appear, but I promise I'm fine. I was in a funk this last week or so when I had the idea of anthropomorphizing my intrusive thoughts/imposter syndrome. The objective being that when I'm struggling to work or they're giving me grief, I can just draw them getting fucked.  And of course, my brain went, Imposter -> Imp -> Impanada. So, meet Impanada, my Imposter Syndrome Imp.

I don't know exactly who would be doing the fucking in this scenario. Like what's the counter to Imp Syn? Determination? Willpower? Spite?  Either way please don't take it too seriously, I know she's saying some harsh stuff but it's nothing I haven't heard before. And it worked, I got drawing again, so hopefully Impa won't make too many appearances, but I do find the whole idea kinda funny.



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