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Barry had finally landed his dream job, a Park Ranger at the North Forest Nature Preserve.  Deep in the mountains, the closest form of civilization was a little over five hours away. But that didn't bother him, he preferred the woods and the mountains to the cramped city.  His orientation had been headed by a tomboyish she-wolf named Timberly, and slowly he came to realize as the day went on, that all of his co-workers were female.  In fact, expect for the occasional camper, he was the only male for miles!  A fact he mused on as he prepared to enter the shower at the end of his first day. 

Standing naked before the locker assigned to him, his dick embarrassingly hard as his mind created elaborate scenarios of flagrante delicto. He Indulged a few more moments before resolutely deciding he wouldn't do anything to risk losing the job he'd always wanted. He would be professional; everyone was here to work and protect nature!  Unfortunately, absorbed in thought as he had been, he was unprepared for when Timberly walked in, quickly stripping off her clothes and placing them in the locker next to his.  Helplessly staring at her naked curves, he realized a fact he'd overlooked during his tour of the complex earlier; there was only one locker room, only one place to shower, and more importantly, only one bunk house. Finally noticing his frozen stare, Timberly looked at him quizzically before her eyes dropped down to his throbbing length, to which she promptly let out a snide chuckle.


Awhile ago I mentioned I wanted to make a punk-rock Shewolf named Roxie, only to learn there are like 100 punk-rock Shewolfs named Roxie.  So, I started think of other names for a wolf lady and my dumb brain spat out Timberly Wolfe. From there the brain avalanche of stupid came up with that obviously she's a tomboy lumberjack.  By that point there was no going back, but I realized that was basically setting her up to be the lumberjack camp's communal bike.  I'm not a fan personally, but I figured I'd get some outside input, so I tossed it to you guys.  After seeing the overwhelming support for a more traditional harem, I shifted the idea to the above, one guy isolated with several women.  I have a few ideas for Barry's other coworkers, I'm not saying this will be a comic, and I don't know how often I'll return to these characters, for now just think of this as the pilot.



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