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I mentioned having to revisit the extras for a pinup, it's a little late, but to make up for it I come bearing a Kulkum Blurb!


"Dear Chief Bogo,

I want to thank you again for the excellent choice of officers sent to ensure my safety during the Rainforest District photo shoots. Officers Friedkin and Fangmeyer never left my side the entire time and obviously had my best interests at heart. Since nothing unexpected happened through the night, I can report that they did their jobs very well. If anyone intended trouble, they were probably too busy rolling their tongues back into their mouths to do much, anyway!  

Feel free to send me some males next time! 


The chief took off his glasses and set them on the desk as he looked up from the little note attached to the front of the magazine, his eyes moving between the two officers. 

"If this happens again... Get the autograph before you take your clothes off."





Lovely art and a fun little blurb. Another perk of being assigned to Precinct #1