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Maid Judy never wins polls so I cut out the middle man.  Trying to think of some way to revitalize the votes so they don't feel like a chore, I'll try and have one up for Monday.  Kulkum is working on the next part of Breed All About It, he got caught up with holiday stuff as well, so hopefully pages for that soon too.




Maid Judy and Juggy deserve some love. They look great.


Love her with all the trimmings!


Now, I might not speak for everyone but....I will say that the same characters seem to always win the poll. While they're awesome drawings, it does get stale after a while, which contributes to the feeling of it being a chore. I would suggest figuring out where things get repetitive, try to make choices that are more interesting, possibly sometimes don't include the "always winners". That keeps the art fresh, more fun to draw, and in the end, more fun to look at, even if people seem to keep clamoring for the same thing.