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"Extra Credit" by Kulkum

“Mister Wilde, would you please remain behind for a moment? I’d like a word with you.”

The class shambled out in a daze at the end of the semester, not many of the normally fresh-faced college seniors looking the part after the thrashing they had just taken. Figuratively, of course. The final exam for Political Science has been merciless, and with every student needing to take the full three hours allowed for the test, it was no surprise that talking was at an all time low as the class was dismissed. Most of them didn’t even notice that the fox had been asked to remain after class by the professor, a fact that had the fox looking at the grey bunny with some concern.

“Sure, Miss. H,” he replied uncertainly, pausing to set his backpack on the nearest empty desk before he made his way towards the hot bunny. Very hot, with those lavender eyes looking out at him from within the dark frame of her glasses as she leaned back in her chair behind her desk. “Is uh… Something wrong?”

Everything made him a little nervous lately since he was graduating in a week. With this being his last exam - and he was pretty sure he had done well enough to pass – he couldn’t think of anything that would cause him a problem. But the nervousness came from stories of students being caught cheating, and even being accused could delay his graduation. Even if the cool eyed doe watched him with intense eyes, the sort that made him swallow hard as he tried his damnedest not to let his eyes wander.

They had wandered before. A lot. Every class, every lecture, every test. Even when he had seen her in the hallway or in her office, it had been hard for him not to sneak as many peaks as he could while he still had the chance. He was pretty sure it was the way her ass fit into everything she wore, like it was just begging to come out and be gripped by his paws…

Down, Wilde.

“I was wondering if you were interested in a little extra credit, Mr. Wilde?” she asked as she stood and moved towards the chalk board.

“I suppose so,” he said, frowning in confusion. “Do I need it to pass?”

“Oh no,” she said, tossing him a grin over her shoulder before she picked up the chalk and started to scribble something. While doing this, she bent over a little more than was necessary, the black skirt she wore squeezing around that very same ass until he almost groaned. “I was just thinking you would like to do something about the way you keep watching me.”

He swallowed hard when she stepped away from the board, letting him read what she had written even as she moved around her desk and propped herself on the edge.

Extra Credit:
Whip it out

“You will be graduating in a week if I remember correctly. Which means there will be no conflict of interest if you are interested in the long hours and late nights I’m thinking you should put in.”



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