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"Hide and Seek" by Kulkum

“Rayla? Rayla, you can’t hide from me forever!”

That was… Probably not true he realized as soon as he said it, reaching up to run his hands through his hair in mild frustration. Callum turned his eyes into the forest again, scanning the trees for even the slightest movement that might give her away. Then he realized how fruitless that was as the wind stirred the forest and set the trees in motion.

“Actually, I can,” came a lilting, sweetly accented voice from somewhere behind him.

“I just realized that!” he shouted when he turned to find… Nothing behind him. His shoulder slumped as he considered using something other than his eyes to aid him in his search but dismissed the idea as he swung around again and started to stalk towards a clearing. “Next time you suggest a game of Hide The Moonshadow Elf during a full moon, I’m not going to promise not use magic to find you!”

“Is that impatience I hear in your voice?” came her voice again, causing him to perk up as it came from the clearing he had just entered. Much closer this time, causing him to dart his eyes into the trees just above him for a moment. “Is there something you expect when you find me?”

“Well, not exactly expect,” he said with a flush running down the back of his neck, which compelled him to reach back and scratch at it as he wandered deeper into the clearing. “But it is hard not to want more now that I’ve…”

His voice trailed off when he saw an outline in the shadows of the trees, which almost had him rushing forward before the outline rose up and started to move towards him. He knew she wasn’t hiding anymore since he could clearly see the slender shape of the Moonshadow Elf, even if she was somewhat… Incandescent.

“Once you’ve what, Callum?”

He couldn’t find his voice for a moment because there was the fact that the shadowy figure moving towards him was lacking any sign of clothing. The light of the moon in the trees and the easy grace in her steps made every curve of her body clear to him: from the swell of her breasts to the gentle sway of her hips, and the fact that she was wearing his colors around her neck. Which had him swallowing hard once before he cleared his throat.

“Had you?” he finished, finding thinking hard as a good deal of the blood in his mind rushed to other parts of his anatomy the clearer that shadowy, feminine shape became.

“Is that right?” she said, now close enough for him to see that she wore the red sash around her neck, the ends of which were settled with obvious teasing intent over the firm mounds of her breasts, a white cloth to cover her virtue… And exactly nothing else. “Well, how much harder will it be when you have your hands on me?”



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