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"Look at this Photograph" by Kulkum

J: I’m so booooored.

The beep of the message and the glow of the screen didn’t immediately catch Nick’s attention. He had been binge watching Paw and Order: Zootopia Kennel Files and finding a lot of the police procedures to be laughable. Their leaps in logic and sudden, unbelievable flashes of insight that solved the crimes at just the right moment with very little material evidence. Still, it was entertaining enough when he switched his brain off and just enjoyed the often cheesy acting and dramatic storylines.

Then there was the fact that he was about 90% sure that the brown bunny Forensic detective  – who was almost as cute as the cutest bunny he knew – and the oft antagonistic Red Fox from homicide were starting to make eyes at each other. He had to admit, he wondered if it was in the writing for the show or if the fox was just looking at the rabbit like she was lunch because…

Well, maybe his own bunny was coloring that. Or maybe not. It was fun to think about, either way.

The thought had him wondering when Judy would be getting home, which had him glancing at the time on his phone. Seeing the message, he grinned.

N: Sorry, Carrots. Was watching Paw and Order.

J: Is Shelby still looking at Cara that way?

N: Like he’s imaging hanging her from his knot?

J: NICK!! yes.

N: Of course. When will you get home so I can look at you that way? ;)

J: I would rather you just hang me from your knot.

N: JUDY!! ok

J: I’ll be home as soon as I finish this report.

Rubbing his muzzle, he smirked and reached down to his sheath. Given the quickly knot related turn of their conversation, and the thought of her hot little body wrapped around his cock, it didn’t take him long to coax said cock out. He slipped it out through the opening in the front of his boxers, stood, and shoved his hops forward before snapping a pic. With not a moment’s hesitation, he sent the pic to his bored bunny with no further explanation needed. It took a good three minutes for her to send a reply, during which he paused the streaming service on a shot of Shelby looking down at Cara in such a way that…

When his phone beeped, he glanced down and grinned at the reply.

J: I’ll be home in ten minutes.




J: OMG, Nick! Can you not?! N: No, but I can knot! J:I hate you N: No, you don't J:I swear I'm gonna break your hips tonight N:Promises, promises


A fun blurb and a lovely sequence.


lol, this one is a winner


We really need a comic where Nick and Judy meet Fer’Miles, that would be good hahaha