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So we're four away from hitting Q&A 50 and I'd always planned on 50 being a breakpoint or intermission as it were.  I have an idea I'd like to explore in place of Zoot Q&As, though I'll probably want to return to Q&As some time in the future, but right now we need 4 super amazing questions to wrap up the first season of Q&A.  As always Kulkum will answer and I'll draw a thing to go with it, rules are no questions for someone else OCs and no questions for Sunderance characters.  If you have a question for a specific character then please clarify so we know, ie. "Dear Savage Dark Lionheart" or "Hey Mrs. Wilde" or "Yo Background Character #5".  Leave your questions down in the comments, or if you'd like to ask a question and remain anonymous just send me a message through Patreon.



TBM/TSD Judy: Hypothetical scenario here. You and Nick have been captured by an evil diabolical villain and taken to a remote secret lair. Nick is strapped to a chair rigged with explosives. On one side of the room is a button that will release Nick, but will detonate a nuke in Zootopia, killing millions. On the other side of the room, another button will disarm the nuke, but detonate the explosives around Nick’s chair. You have ten seconds to decide which button to press, or else both devices will explode. Which do you choose and why, and why would you condemn the other choice to death?


Dear TBM/TSD Nick and Judy. What's the most memorable thing each of you has caught the other doing that just made you laugh like no tomorrow?


Hey TBM/TSD Bucky and Pronk, have you seen your bunny neighbor lately? Their mail is backing up.


Hey Judy and Nick! If you two could change one or two things about your own bodies what would you change?


Swift, Nightingale. Agent Savage seems to be able to "spar" with the occasional female every once in a while working. What do you guys get to do to relieve tension on mission?


To the TBM/TSD Nick and Judy: What do you two think of Borba's new "hit" soap opera drama based on the both of you? (¬‿¬)