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Time once again, could I please get your questions in the replay of this post.  Kulkum will answer and I'll draw a thing to go with it, rules are no questions for someone else OCs and no questions for Sunderance characters.  If you have a question for a specific character then please clarify so we know, ie. "Dear Savage Dark Skye" or "Hey (random anime character)" or "Yo Captain America".  Leave your questions down in the comments, or if you'd like to ask a question and remain anonymous just send me a message through Patreon.  



Dear Savage Dark Skye: what do you enjoy most about Jack Savage?


For Wild Academy Judy: Just how in the world are you able to keep up physically with the demands of the academy (The obstacle course, fighting practice, etc.) after one of your sessions with Nick? Pretty sure most women would be walking a little funny after receiving something the size of Mr. Wilde.


Dear Savage Dark Judy, while Nick was still under the influence of the nighthowler serum, did you ever have Nick chase you down like a real predator?


Dear Savage Dark Judy,


For WA Judy and Nick: So, I was initially going to ask if there were some particular location/place/room where you hadn't "done it" yet, but something tells you have been doing it all over the place at this point (With the exception of an actual bed, perhaps?). Anyway, what I want to ask is, do you two have a favorite spot at the academy where you have been "hanging" out more times than other places?


Dear Savage Dark Jack.... Now that you've finally "tamed" Skye, what do you plan do with here?


Dear WA Judy and Nick, have you two ever tried to sneak a little "cuddle" session in public, like at the movies?


Hey Judy and Nick, have you guys ever met Dick Fer’Miles? What Nick thought about him when he saw his size? And Judy would you try that fox meat or is it too big for a bunny?