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"Quick and Risky" by Kulkum

“Well, I am glad things have been working out so well for you both at the ZPD,” the massive lion said in his always pleasant, always slightly exaggerated voice as he stood up from behind his desk and started towards the door. “It does the city good that we’ve been able to put the past behind us and move forward to a…”

The fox stopped listening when his partner hopped down from the large chair and started to follow the recently reinstated mayor as he made his way toward the door. Their last meeting had ended very much the same way, with Lionheart running off in a hurry to get to one meeting or another. Now as then, it looked like his rush was so great that when his tail vanished on the other side of the door, he hadn’t even realized that he’d left the two ZPD officers alone.

In his office. His huge, expensive office with it’s great view of the city. Where no one would dare walk in on them without permission.

That office.

A grin crawled over his muzzle when Judy realized he wasn’t following her towards the door, stopping to look back at him in confusion. “Nick? Are you coming?”

“Pretty soon, I’m sure I will be,” he said with a light chuckle, motioning for her to come back into the office when she obviously didn’t catch his innuendo. Her trust in him had never been an issue, not since she’d come back from Bunnyburrow, and that showed now when she walked towards him with a curious expression and perked ears. “We have the office to ourselves.”

“So? This is the mayor’s office, Nick,” she said, rolling her eyes as she turned and started towards the door again. “What do you want to do? Search his desk for Nighthowlers?”

“Actually,” he said, stopping her with a paw on her shoulder. She allowed herself to be drawn towards him, until she was close enough for him to rest his muzzle against her neck. He made sure she felt the little growl in his voice when he continued, “I was thinking about stripping you, pinning you against that huge window, and fucking your brains out in broad daylight with one of the best views in the city as a backdrop.”

“Have you lost your mind!” she said in a shocked whisper, though he knew he hadn’t imagined the quick twitch of her tail against his shirt. “We are not going to make love in the mayor’s office… Mmph!”

“Not make love,” he corrected, something he was able to do because as her protest had started he’d slipped off his tie, balled it up, and slipped it into her muzzle. “This is going to be a hot, dirty, bang because it’s ridiculous not to have a quicky that’s going to leave your ears ringing and your knees so weak you’ll need help getting back into your uniform.”

He felt her weaken, and relax, and then moan into the makeshift gag when he cupped his paws over her chest to massage her breasts. Easily he drew her towards the window behind the desk. She came willingly, a grin splitting his muzzle when she reached down to start unbuckling her service belt hurriedly.

“I knew you’d see things my way.”



Angelo B.

Oooh yeah.