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"Oh, Goodie" by Kulkum

Long days got longer when he was away from home. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy his work, because he did. Stressful as it could be to sometimes hold the fate of the city in his paws, or a good part of it anyway, satisfaction was always just around the corner when a mission was completed successfully. This was not one of those times. This mission had been simple and petty in the eyes of the rabbit, not to mention time consuming. Worst of all, since the perceived threat had never manifested itself, it had been pointless. Even his superiors trying to placate him by saying that it did not happen because of his presence hadn’t helped relieve him of the itch to have the entire affair behind him.

Which it finally was when he turned the key and opened the door to home. Peace and quiet at last. Nothing to do now but strip out of his suit, have a nice hard drink and… Stand there like an idiot with his mouth hanging open as he stated at the vixen in the middle of his living room.

White fur was a perfectly sinful contrast to the black ensemble of leather that covered exactly the right amount of nothing. From the forearm high gloves attached to paws that dangled over the back of the chair to, the bodice that hugged only half of her breasts it was an outfit designed to seduce rather than relax. His gaze drifted lower first, because he was male after all, to discover that she wore no panties; just a garter belt that did everything right by way of highlighting what he considered a perfect ass. The view this afforded him made his pants shrink a few sizes, even as he managed to close his mouth and raise his eyes to hers. She had obviously been waiting for him, with that playful sparkle in blue eyes and a grin on her muzzle.

“I hope your day was at least a little bad,” she said, her light tone teasing as she reached up to tip the equally leather hat. The orange of the sunset through the window seemed to light her fur on fire, a feeling he was familiar with himself as his skin heated. “Because I think you might have fun working any pent-up frustration out on this lonely, terribly sinful vixen.”

“Is that right?” he said, unbuttoning his jacket and pulling it off as he moved towards her. Tossing it onto the arm of the couch as he reached her, he ran one paw up to the collar around her neck and pulled her towards him. “Well, sinful vixen, I’ve had a terrible day.”

Her eyes flashed as a pleased grin crossed her muzzle when he dragged her out of the chair.

“Oh, goodie.”



Angelo B.

Well now that is how you get off from work!


Lovely art and a fun description.