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"Come on" by Kulkum

“Oh come on,” Nick muttered, pulling over to the side of the road as the ZPD patrol car pulled up behind him, blue lights flickering almost cheerfully. Sighing slightly, he leaned back in his convertible, which he had promised himself was practical even if he had to count his pennies to afford it. “I can’t believe I got… Oh.”

The complaint stopped when he saw Officer Hopps jump down from her oversized squad car, causing him to grin slightly as she did her cute little “serious officer of the law” walk towards his car. This made him lean over the door, his brow arching as she stopped beside the car, carrot pen in paw.

“Do you have any idea how fast you were going?” she asked, keeping her voice professionally cool as she tapped the pen to the ticket book while looking up at him. Having been her partner and lover for a while now, he could see the sparkle in her eyes through the façade. Still, he released a slow sigh.

“I was following the speed limit officer,” he drawled, cocking one dark brow as he flashed a toothy grin at her. “Or is my taillight out?”

“I didn’t pull you over for speeding, sir,” she drawled, tucking the pen in her belt before she jumped up on the edge of the door. He dropped back into his seat, keeping the brow raised when she propped one foot on the seats headrest. That movement allowed him to catch more than a subtle hint of her perfume. He believed it was called… Horny Bunny. “I pulled you over because you’re not moving fast enough.”

“Maybe you could climb in and we could speed things up,” was his glib reply, one that he gave with a grin at this cheesy sneak attack. “But you’re going to have to pay your own fine, officer. Misuse of those police lights is a punishable offense.”

“Oh no,” she said, wiggling the ticket-book in front of her while doing her her overly dramatic way of acting. “Are you going to write me up? Maybe cuff me?”

“I was thinking physical assault, actually. With a blunt object. Should cool you off.”

“Bring it, fox.”



Angelo B.

Lewd Judy is fun.