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A nameless prisoner, their crimes long forgotten, traveling the Lands Between. A fearsome Spellsword slaying demigods and Kamehameha-ing an eldritch star beast in the face.

My birthday: June 21st. Elden Ring DLC release date: June 21st. My boss starts his 2-week vacation: June 18th.

It's unfortunate timing, but I play Elden Ring on PC, and that version is having a few problems, not too surprising since the initial release of PC Elden Ring had some problems too. With my boss gone I'm running the show at work which sucks so I've only been able to play it a little bit plus waiting for them to fix the issues. So in the meantime, I decided to draw my first character, but the way I see her in my head (i.e.: if From Soft games character creators didn't exclusively make ugly characters / had a boob slider.)




Happy belated b-day, dude! Enjoy ‘his’ time off! 😆 (And Upvote for Boob Sliders! (And not the mini hamburgers!)) 🤣