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This has been sitting in the inbox for a while now, sorry it took me so long to get to it, and I'm even more sorry for what spurred my to answering it. I originally wasn't going to do this, but then I remember Toriyama was a bit of a perv too, so here we go. 

If you haven't heard by now, Akira Toriyama passed away on March 1st. I include myself in the many, many people who were inspired by his work. Dragon Ball, Chrono Trigger, and Dragon Quest are such fixtures of my childhood, I can't image what my art would look like without them. Hell, I came up with my screen name "Akiric" to chat in a DBZ chat room circa 1996! It's fair to say, without Toriyama, there wouldn't be an Akiric. So, on behalf of all the kids who tried firing a Kamahaha blast, thank you Toriyama sensei, and I hope whatever's after this life is treating you well.




you're really on a roll lately, digging these last pieces!


OMG, dude. I mean: dude… That second pic. Oy…

Sarah Dellen

Good stuff these days! Glad to see you doing more art recently!